
It’s easy, it works and it’s free for all members of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota. Call and quit in your own way, at your own pace. Speak with a Quit Coach — a professional with special training in quitting smoking. They don’t nag or judge. In fact, many of them are former smokers themselves. They offer encouragement and a plan for Quit in your way, at your own pace I’m not much for talking on the phone. What’s going to
happen if I call?

After a brief registration you can talk with a Quit Coach right away or at a later time that works better for you. The Quit Coach will help you develop a quit plan based on how long you’ve been smoking and any experiences you’ve had trying to quit. You’ll schedule four more 10-minute calls — when it’s best for you. These scheduled calls will be around your quit date — before, during and after. Plus, you can call in any time to talk with a Quit Coach if you have questions or want some support.
Is talking on the phone all there is to this
Stop-Smoking Support?

No. After your fi rst call you’ll get a series of quit guides in the mail with tips for sticking with your plan. You can also use Web Coach, the Stop-Smoking Support’s interactive website, to help you track your progress between calls. Web Coach is available 24 hours a day and has tools to help you make the most of your calls with your Quit Coach. You’ll get a password and log-in information when you start the program.
I’ve tried to quit before. Will this
Why will I need my health plan ID
program work for me?
number when I call the fi rst time?
Every person and every situation is different. This support is only for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Overall though, people who talk with Quit Coaches Minnesota members. Your Blue Cross ID number is are more than seven times as likely to quit for good used to make sure you’re a member.
Who will know that I’ve called
I don’t smoke. I chew. Can you help me?
Stop-Smoking Support?
Yes. We have experience helping people quit all Only staff directly involved in the program. kinds of tobacco — cigarettes, cigars, pipes or Stop-Smoking Support will not give your name or other personal information to anyone without your permission. All information is kept strictly I’d like to use the patch. Can I still work
with a Quit Coach?
Yes. In fact, the Quit Coaches will help you fi gure To learn more or to get started
out which quit aid (patch, gum, lozenge) would Simply call 1-888-662-BLUE (2583). If you’re hearing
work best for you — including asking about health impaired, the TTY number is 1-877-777-6534. Call
conditions that might make use of quit aids unsafe. us any time between 7 a.m. and 2 a.m. Central If you want, they will mail a supply of the quit aid Time, seven days a week. If you call after hours, you you choose right to your home. Ask about the cost. can leave a phone message and your call will be Once you get the patch or other quit aid, the Quit Coaches can walk you through when and how to Spanish-speaking members can press 2 after calling use it so that it’s most effective. To learn more about 1-888-662-BLUE (2583), to speak to a Spanish-
what your plan covers, you can call the customer speaking registration specialist. Interpreters are service number on your member ID card.
available for many other languages, too. I’d like to take Zyban. Can I get that
If you prefer, you can register online. You can even in the mail?
hear sample calls. Visit bluecrossmn.com and
No. Quit Coaches are not doctors, and they can’t register or sign in to myBlueCross. Then see write prescriptions. You need to see your doctor “health programs and discounts” in the “plan to get prescription quit aids such as the nicotine inhaler, nasal spray, Zyban (bupropion) or Chantix (varenicline). The Quit Coaches can walk you through how to use a prescription quit aid as part of your quit plan. Call the customer service number on the back of your member ID card for answers to your questions about coverage, deductibles, copays and coinsurance. Whole Person Health SupportSM serves members of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota and Blue Plus.

Source: http://www.stthomas.edu/media/humanresources/wellness/StopSmokingFAQ.pdf


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