Name: Majied
Surname: Mahmoud- Aliloo
Date of Bitrh: 1964
Nationality: IRAN
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Married
Tel: 0098- 912- 3055289
E-mail: M_
Educational Background: (Last One First)
Field of Specialization
Name of Institution

Title of Post-Graduate Thesis: The Study of The Effects of Mood on Memory
Title of Doctorate Thesis: Study of cognitive patterns and emotional processing
indicators in OCD.
Teaching Experiences: (Last One First)
1994 Title of Course
Name of Institution
Academic Positions: (Last One First)
Title of Position
Field of Specialization
Name of Institution
Master and Doctorate Thesis Supervision:
Full Name of Student
Title of Thesis
A: Books
Type of Work
Translation Compilation
B: Papers

Title of Paper
The Experimental Study of The Effects of Mood on A Study of the Behavioral Model of Depression: The Role of Environmental Reinforcement and punishment on the Self- Reinforcement and Self- Punishment Behaviors Experimental Study of The Effects of Mood on The Effect of Verbal Self-Instruction on Symptom in New Progresses Conceptualization of Obsessional Disorders: (Is obsession a homogenious disorder?) The Study of Memory and Memory Confidence in Obsessive- Compulsive Checkers and Individuals with Obsessive- Compulsive Personality Disorder A Survey of Recalling Memories by Depressive and Standardization of The Bender- Gestalt Test on 7 to 10 Implicit and explicit memory bias in depressed individuals based on the transfer appropriate processing The Effect of Verbal Self- Instruction on Social Adjustment Children with Conduct Disorder Effect of Cognitive- Behavior Therapy, Exposure and Response Prevention on Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder Relationship between Stress and Coping Styles with Coronary Heart Disease: Role of Gender Factor The Effect of the audio-visual- tactile system on sensory recovery following ulnar nerve repair: A case report Predicting changes of emotional of processing indicators base on dysfunctional cognitions worry, perfectionism and disorder types Perfectionism personality traits and perceived patterns of parental behaviors in obsessive- compulsive Memory bias and memory confidence in Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder (checker type), Obsessive- Compulsive personality, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder The Experimental Study of The Effects of Mood on The Study of Personality Variables in HIV Positive Patients Analysis the effects of temper and emotional state in Personality Characteristics in a Group of Iranian Tourists The Comparison Asthmatic Patient With healthy People in Type A Personality and Experienced of negative and Worry and its Relation With Checking And Washing A Comparison of Personality Characteristics And Coping The comparison of Effectiveness Exposure – response Prevention And Fluoxetine in Recovery Obsessive- Research activities:
Title of Project
Place of Work
Research activities:
Psychophatology/ effectiveness of psychological interventions/ relationship between personality and mental health/ neurophysiological basis of mental disorders/ relationship between developmental events and personality disorders. Work shops:
1) Suicide prevention. 2) Dialectical Behavior therapy of Borderline personality disorder. 3) Assertive training. 4) Life skills. 5) Cognitive Behavior therapy of Depression. 6) Cognitive Behavior therapy of OCD. 7) Cognitive Behavior therapy of GAD. 8) Cognitive Behavior therapy of Phobia and Panic. 9) Diagnostic interview. Papers Presented at National and International Scientific Assemblies:
Title of Paper
Title and Place of
Awards, Honorary Degrees, Medals and Positions:
Title of Award, Medal, Position
Issuing Authority
Membership to Scientific Associations:
Name of Institution/Association
Position Held
Language Proficiency:
Degree of Proficiency
Language Native Good Fair Poor Native Good Fair Poor Native Good Fair Poor



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