The health works article on candida


What is Candida Albicans?
Candida Albicans is a yeast organism living in our digestive system where it co-habits quite happily
with friendly bacteria, the sort you find in live yogurt with wonderful sounding names like Lactobacillus
Acidophilus and Bifidobacteria. Unfortunately this healthy balance can easily be put out and then
Candida goes on the rampage killing off the good bacteria. Some situations that cause Candida to
spread are:-
1, Anti-biotics - they kill both the bad and the good bacteria which lowers your immune system
causing Candida to increase.
2, Sugar-rich and yeast-based foods. Candida thrives on sugar and yeast which is a major part of
Western 21st century diets.
3, Pregnancy and the contraceptive pill. Candida also thrives when progesterone levels are high.
This happens in pregnancy and also is a component of the Pill.
Symptoms of Candida
Many of the you will recognise experiencing one or more of the following symptoms all of which can
be a possible result of Candida:- acne, allergies, athlete's foot, bloating, diarrhoea, fatigue,
headaches, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, premenstrual tension, recurrent sore throats and nasal
congestion, and last but not least thrush.
Anti-candida diet
The best way to combat Candida is to follow a strict anti-candida diet, the main culprits to cut out
being sugar and yeast. Bread can be substituted with soda bread and rice-cakes. Also cut out
cheese, vinegar, marmite, dried fruit, mushrooms, smoked foods, fermented foods, as these all
contain elements that feed the Candida bacteria. The list is actually very long and extremely
daunting at first. Get hold of a Candida cookbook, get organised and have a radical rethink about
approach to diet in general. In time you may be able to reintroduce some of your favourite foods
Anti-Fungals and Pro-biotics
These are an essential part of the programme to help keep Candida under control. Choose a
selection of the following to aid your detoxification programme.
Garlic - (contains allicin) preferably raw, or if not palatable, in capsules.
Olive Oil - (contains oleic acid) virgin, first cold pressing.
Caprylic Acid – this is an essential fatty acid.
Grapefruit Seed Extract - anti-bacterial as well as anti-fungal.
Tea-Tree Oil - can be used as a douche, mouthwash, cream or pessary.
Herbs - herbs containing berberine eg berberis vulgaris and aquifolium, hydrastis. Also echinacea,
marigold and myrrh.
Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidus - often need to be stored in the fridge once opened.
Live yoghurt - containing Bifidus and Acidophilus.
In an ideal diet and lifestyle we should not need vitamins but with Candida these are often needed,
especially vits Bcomplex and C. Also needed can be digestive enzymes, and slippery elm or aloe
vera. The last two are to help soothe and strengthen the mucous membranes of the intestinal walls.
You may experience the Die-Off effect which is when the Candida have literally been starved of their
food by the new diet and they start to die. They release toxic gases and chemicals into the system,
you may feel ill for a few days but symptoms should clear soon and you will feel so much better.
If the above regime is too daunting you will find it much easier with the help and guidance of a
homeopath, naturopath or nutritionist. At The Health Works, 111a Hoe St, Walthamstow there are a
variety of qualified practitioners to help you. 020 8503 7794 ,


Packing list

PACKING LIST The people we are ministering to in Mexico are more culturally modest than we are. For this reason, while we are in Mexico, we will respect their culture and comply with a very reasonable dress code. Please be aware that our worksites are in the midst of the community and the families we are building for will be at the

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