Microsoft word - drug & alcohol abuse_20060515.doc

This test was developed to enable schools to award IV. Alcohol credit to students for knowledge equivalent to that, which is learned, by students taking the course. The school may choose to award college credit to the student based on the achievement of a passing score. The passing score for each examination is determined by the school based on recommendations from the V. Sedative American Council on Education (ACE). This minimum credit-awarding score is equal to the mean score of students in the norming sample who received a grade of C in the course. Some schools set their own standards for awarding credit and may require a higher score than the ACE recommendation. Students should obtain this information from the institution where they The following topics, which are commonly taught in courses on this subject, are covered by this Approximate
C. Routes of administration D. Metabolism Copyright 2006 Thomson Prometric, a part of the Thomson Corporation. All rights reserved. THOMSON PROMETRIC, DSST, the DSST logo and the Thomson Prometric design logo are registered trademarks of Thomson Prometric. ACE is a registered trademark of the American Council on Education. Questions on the test require candidates to 6. Crisis intervention and detection of the early demonstrate the following abilities. Some questions may require more than one of the abilities. • Ability to apply knowledge to specific cases 7. The highest concentration of alcohol in an alcoholic beverage produced through natural
8. Which of the following is an opium derivative? (C) cause respiratory collapse (D) cause chromosomal damage 2. The drugs posing the most immediate risk of 9. The junction between two neurons is called the 3. The most commonly abused drug in the United 10. The primary cause of death due to an overdose 4. Endorphins and enkephalins are similar in 11. Paradoxical effects of the benzodizephines 5. The metabolism of alcohol takes place primarily (A) liver (B) kidneys (C) brain (D) pancreas 12. Buerger’s disease, caused by heavy cigarette Hanson, Glen, and Peter Venturelli. Drugs and Society. Boston: Jones and Bartlett, current edition. Maisto, Stephen A., Mark Galizio and Gerard J. Connors. Drug Use and Abuse. Fort Worth: (C) destruction of the cilia in the trachea (D) disruption of the normal functioning of the Current textbook used by a local college or 13. An alcoholic who drinks while taking Antabuse CREDIT RECOMMENDATIONS

The Center For Adult Learning and Educational Credentials of the American Council on Education (ACE) has reviewed and evaluated the DSST examination development process. ACE has made STUDYING FOR THE EXAMINATION
The following is a list of reference publications that were being used as textbooks in college courses of the same or similar title at the time the test was developed. Appropriate textbooks for study are not limited to those listed below. If you wish to obtain study resources to prepare for the examination, you may reference either the current edition of the following titles or textbooks currently used at a local
college or university for the same class title. It is recommended that you reference more than one
Colleges and universities that would like additional textbook on the topics outlined in this fact sheet.
information about the national norming, or You should begin by checking textbook content
assistance in local norming or score validation against the content outline included on the front
studies should write to: DSST Program, Mail Stop page of this Fact Sheet before selecting textbooks
11-P, Thomson Prometric, 664 Rosedale Road, that cover the test content from which to study. Textbooks may be found at the campus bookstore of a local college or university offering a course on the It is advisable that schools develop a consistent policy about awarding credit based on scores from this test and that the policy be reviewed periodically. Sources for study material suggested but not limited Thomson Prometric will be happy to help schools in Ray, Oakley, and Charles Ksir. Drugs, Society, and Human Behavior. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book, Inc.,


Microsoft word - articulo_2006.docx

Categoría: Crónica Autor (es): Juan Veledíaz Tipo de Medio: Proceso La mayoría eran jóvenes con no más de un año en el Ejército. Dos errores de su comandante –desviar el camino y dar mal las coordenadas, con un equipo de radio sin batería de repuesto– fueron los factores que provocaron la trágica muerte de un grupo de militares en Laguna Salada, Baja California, en el verano de 1996

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I&S COMMAND AND CONTROL IN CRISIS MANAGEMENT Introduction This paper was started shortly before the events of 11 September 2001 and the subsequent actions that have been at the center of our daily news. Naturally, like all of us, I tried to put the terrible events and the even more terrible ramifications of those events into perspective. Every commentator seemed to repeat tha

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