Student _____________________________Date ________________ Date of Birth ________________ Parent/Guardian _______________________________________________________________________ School ________________________________________ Grade _________________________ To Authorized School Personnel:
I hereby request and authorize you to administer to ___________________________________________
Name of Medication ________________________________ (see below or back of form for approved medication) Dosage (per label directions)_________________________________________ Student’s Weight______ Allergies _____________________________________________________________________________ Time (or Frequency) ____________________________________________________________________ Reason for Use ________________________________________________________________________ The school intends to use the requested information to provide for your child’s health and safety needs while at school. You may refuse to supply the requested personal information. There will be no consequence for not providing the information. It may result in an incomplete health and safety plan for your child. The information you provide will be shared only with staff in the school whose jobs require access to this information to ensure your child’s safety and school success. I release school personnel from the liability in the event any reaction results from the administration of this medication. __________________________________________ Phone No. ______________________________(H) Parent/Guardian Signature Phone No. ______________________________(W) Phone #___________________________(Cell) Inspire the learner; ignite the potential! Forest Lake Area Schools • Independent School District 831 • Equal Opportunity Employer Over-The-Counter Medications Allowable per Parent /Guardian request and signature. Only Middle School & High School Students
Acetaminophen: common brand name Tylenol Diphenhydramine: common name Benadryl Chewable Antacids: common names Tums, Maalox Cough Drops Antibacterial Ointment: common names Neomycin, Bacitracin Parent/guardians must complete and sign an Authorization of Administration of Medications form (yearly) before school staff will administer over-the-counter preparations. Over-the-counter preparations must be provided in the original labeled container. All medications must be transported to and from school by a parent/guardian. Over-the-counter preparations will only be administered to a student according to the label direction’s, unless contrary written directions from a physician are provided. The health office will not have a supply of allowable medications The school nurse has the ultimate authority and responsibility to reject a parent’s request and to decline to administer an over-the-counter medication. If the nurse believes that such medication is unnecessary, inappropriate, excessive or could lead to patient harm. Medications will need to be picked up (by a parent or guardian) at the end of the school year. Remaining medication will be destroyed. Inspire the learner; ignite the potential! Forest Lake Area Schools • Independent School District 831 • Equal Opportunity Employer
Voorlopig zonder titel (een schets over Scarlett Johansson, tussenruimte en moralisme) Bart Groenendaal, (NL, 1975) In de film Lost in Translation ontwikkelen Scarlett Johansson en Bill Murray een ijle, zwak-erotische vriendschap op basis van een gedeelde landerigheid. Hoewel er in de titel met het woord ‘lost’ naar die toestand wordt verwezen komen de karakters tot bloei in de luwte w
Guideline No… pÉííáåÖ=ëí~åÇ~êÇë=íç=áãéêçîÉ=ïçãÉåÛë=ÜÉ~äíÜ DELIVERY AFTER PREVIOUS CAESAREAN BIRTH 1. Aim To provide evidence-based information on the management of women undergoing either trial of vaginal birth after previous caesarean section (trial of VBAC) or elective repeat caesarean section (ERCS). This guideline is primarily aimed at the