Name:__________________________Age:________Race:__________ Occupation:______________________ Referred by: _______________ Reproductive History: 1. Do you have any children? Yes/ No, If yes how many ____Ages_________ 2. Duration of unprotected intercourse?________________________________ 3. How old is your partner?_________yrs 4. Does your partner have any children? Yes/ No 5. Has your partner had any miscarriages/abortions?
If yes, detail________________________________________________
6. Has your partner been evaluated for this problem? Yes/ No,
If yes, results_______________________________________________
Sexual History: 1. Timing/ frequency of intercourse?___________________________________ 2. Problems with erections? If yes detail_______________________________
3. Problems with ejaculations?_______________________________________
4. Use of lubricants? Yes/ No, If yes name_______________________________
Developmental History: 1. Onset of Puberty___________________________________________ 2. Age when you started shaving._____ Do you shave everyday? Yes/ No
3. Any delay in development? Yes/ No, If yes detail__________________
Male infertility questionnaire Page two Medical History: 1. Any childhood illnesses? (Circle any that apply) None_____
g. other__________________________________________________
2. Any other illnesses? ( Circle all that apply) None______
e. other_________________________________
3. Medications: (Circle all that apply) None_____ Have you ever been on
Please list all the medications you are on, including over the counter and herbal medications. None_________
Notes _______________________________________________________
Male infertility questionnaire Page three
Surgical History:
h. epididymal surgery i. Testicular biopsy
Notes _________________________________________________________
List all other surgeries and their complications if any:
Personal History:(Please circle one)
Do you or have you ever had alcohol? Yes/ No
Do you or have you ever used recreational drugs?
Any additional comments__________________________________________
Patient Signature:__________________________________ Dated______________
Name:_______________________________ Age:____________________
Urinalysis: L
K etone:_______Bilirubin:_______Glucose:__________WBC:_______RBC:_______Yeist:______Bacteria:_________
Physical Examination
1. General ( means normal) BP:__________ Pulse:_______ RR:________
Temp:_________ Height:___________ Weight:_____________
a. Nutrition_____ b. body habitus_______
d. gynecomastia_______ e. secondary sexual characters__________
Urethral opening_______ Plaques_______ Size________
Semen Analysis: Has a semen analysis been done? If yes results.
Impression: 1.________________________ 2.________________________
2._____________________________ 3._______________________
Signed ______________________________ Date: ___________________
PYODERMITES AMVQ/CAVD, 18 novembre 2007 Manon Paradis, DMV, MScV, Dipl. ACVD, Département de sciences cliniques, Faculté de médecine vétérinaire, Université de Montréal, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada. 1- INTRODUCTION Chez le chien, les infections bactériennes de la peau sont fréquentes et pléomorphes, tandis qu'elles sont rarissimes chez le chat (exception faite des abcè