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Answers to Problem Set 3 Lecture 18 (PDH and TCA cycle) 1. Catalytic coenzymes (TPP, lipoic acid, and FAD) are modified but regenerated in each reaction cycle. Thus, they can play a role in the processing of many molecules of pyruvate. Stoichiometric coenzymes (coenyme A and NAD+) are used in only one reaction because they are the components of products of the reaction. 2. (a) After


86. Sustainability Integrated throughout Rowan’s Chemical Engineering Curriculum Mariano J. Savelski, Stephanie Farrell and C. Stewart Slater Department of Chemical Engineering, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ USA Abstract This paper summarizes the pedagogical activities and course work in the area of sustainability in the Chemical Engineering Department at Rowan University. Rowan

Microsoft word - ht 400 specifications.doc

HT 400 FULL HEIGHT SERIES SINGLE & TWIN TURNSTILES TURNSTILE SPECIFICATION: SECTION 10450 1.00 PART I GENERAL 1.01 Drawings and general provisions as specified apply to this section. 1.02 Product Data – Manufacturer’s general description for each item and related components. For specific information, see catalog. 1.03 Shop drawings submitted upon request. 1.04 Tur


DNAA-Konsensus zu antiretroviraler Therapie aus neurologischer Sicht Deutsche Neuro-AIDS-Arbeitsgemeinschaft (DNAA) I. Klinische Vorbemerkungen Das humane Immundefizienzvirus (HIV) kann das periphere und das zentrale NervensystemDer HIV-1-assoziierte Demenz-Komplex (HADK) als häufigste, zentralnervöse Manifestationeiner HIV-Infektion ist gekennzeichnet durch kognitive, motorische und

Hebrew monthly letter - february 2013.docx

February 2013 WDS Parents: Listed below, by grade(s), are the recent activities and Hebrew learning that has taken place throughout this past month. Kindergarten: This month we learned the plural forms “boys” and “girls” and practiced the sentences: “Who are you?” “I am.”; “Are you a boy or a girl?”, “I am a.” We learned the verb give (noten/notenet) and the word kiss (nesh

Phs 398 (rev. 9/04), biographical sketch format page

CURRENT POSITIONS Chief, Department of Psychiatry, China Medical University and Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan Director, Institute of Clinical Medical Science, China Medical University Medical College, Taichung, Taiwan Professor, Institute of Clinical Medical Science, China Medical University Medical College, Taichung, Taiwan Adjunct Professor, Institute of Behavioral Medicine, College of


The following information is about passivation of lithium thionyl chloride battery for thereference. 1, General Introduction About Passivation. Passivation is a chemical term and it refers to phenomena that a kind of chemical film appears onthe surface of the metal and prevents the further corrupt from happening on the surface of themetal. In lithium thionyl chloride battery, thionyl chloride


Review Article Dietary fats, teas, dairy, and nuts: potential functional foods forweight control?1–3 ABSTRACT Although it is known that dietary restriction and increasedFunctional foods are similar to conventional foods in appearance,physical activity can lead to weight loss, such lifestyle changesbut they have benefits that extend beyond their basic nutritionalmay be difficult to im


Material Safety Data Sheet White Lithium Grease 300gr Air Canada #: 99911D1269 HMIS III: FLAMMABILITY PHYSICAL SECTION 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION 6330 Tomken Road Mississauga Ontario L5T 1N2 Canada +1 (613) 996 6666 Telephone number of the company in case of emergencies (7.00am – 7.00pm): +1 (905) 564 6225 SECTION 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Emergency Over


HYPERLIPAEMIA EPIDEMIOLOGY - (Risk Factors) - Small pony breeds - Shetlands, Welsh Mountain, Miniature ponies - Uncommon in horse breeds, but has been reported . - Females, more than stallions/geldings (only partly due to pregnancy and - “Stress” – transport, weather, disease. - Age – increased risk with age – age related decline in insulin sensitivity, - G.I. dis

Frequently asked questions

J. Theodore Schwartz, Jr., M.D.     Frequently Asked Questions: How much pain will I have after surgery? There is no easy way to determine how much pain you wil experience fol owing your surgery, as pain tolerance is unique to individuals. However, there are several ways your post-operative pain may be managed, including narcotic pain medication, local and regional pain blockade (admi


AGENCE CANADIENNE DU PARI MUTUEL CODIFICATION RÈGLEMENT SUR LA SURVEILLANCE DU PARI MUTUEL DORS/91-365 modifié par DORS/91-518 DORS/96-431 DORS/91-656 DORS/97-475 DORS/92-126 DORS/98-424 DORS/92-225 DORS/99-55 DORS/92-628 DORS/99-160 DORS/93-143 DORS/99-196 DORS/93-218 DORS/99-343 DORS/93-255 DORS/99-360 DORS/93-497 DOR

Microsoft word - 11 leelapornpisid.doc

Antimicrobial Activity of Herbal Extracts on Staphylococcus aureus and Propionibacterium acnes P. Leelapornpisid, S. Chansakao and T. Ittiwittayawat Keywords: antimicrobial activity, Propionibacterium acnes , Staphylococcus aureus , Excoecaria cochinchinensis , Salvia officinalis , gallic acid Abstract Excoecaria cochinchinensis Lour, Salvia officinalis Lo


SAVING KIDNEYS. SAVING LIVES. DAISY’S STORY The NephCure Foundation is currently the only organization dedicated to We decided that we would like to share our story for a couple of support research seeking the cause reasons. One is so other parents of children with FSGS could see of two debilitating kidney diseases, they are not alone. Another is to get people aware of wha


Reiseinformation 7435 „Allegra! – Willkommen auf dem Engadiner Höhenweg“ Erreichbarkeit während Ihrer Reise Wir möchten Sie ausdrücklich darum bitten, uns Ihre Handynummer vor Abreise mitzuteilen, damit wir Sie am An- und Abreisetag sowie bei Reisen von Ort zu Ort auch während der Reise in dringenden Fällen telefonisch erreichen können. Wir bedanken uns bereits im Vorau


Article is available online at http://www.webio.hu/por/2005/11/4/0242 CASE REPORT Cystic Lymphangioma of the Right Adrenal Gland Lora Esberk ATES,1 Yersu KAPRAN,1 Yesim ERBIL,2 Umut BARBAROS,2 Ferhunde DIZDAROGLU11Department of Pathology, 2Department of General Surgery, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul University Lymphangiomas are benign malformations of the woman admitted to the hosp

2530469 792.798

Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2000) 54: 792±798M. Saayman á H. J. J. van Vuuren á W. H. van ZylM. Viljoen-BloomDifferential uptake of fumarate by Candida utilisReceived: 15 March 2000 / Received revision: 4 July2000 / Accepted: 9 July2000Abstract The dicarboxylic acid fumarate is an impor- of the TCA cycle (Barnett and Kornberg 1960). Previoustant intermediate in cellular processes and also s


Equine Metabolic Syndrome - Clare McKinstry, MRCVS Here is a scenario many horse or pony owners may find familiar. I was presented with a pony cal ed “Alfie”. he is a much loved, 8 year old, Shetland pony gelding who has a previous history of mild to moderate episodes of laminitis. His companion “Snowy”, is also an 8 year old Shetland pony gelding but has had no previous episodes

It is with tremendous pride that i can report the outstanding success of the gambia ii project for the 2001 operation crossroa

Final Evaluation of the Gambia II project for the Operation Crossroads Africa program, It is with tremendous pride that I can report the outstanding success of the Gambia II project for the 2001 Operation Crossroads Africa program. Whereas the fieldwork of international development is sometimes politically sensitive, subject to moral ambiguity or differences of interpretation, the 2001 Gambia

Aev pharmazeutika.pdf

GESETZLICHE BEGRENZUNG VON ABWASSEREMISSIONEN AUS DER HERSTELLUNG VON ARZNEIMITTELN UND KOSMETIKA UND DEREN VORPRODUKTEN (AEV PHARMAZEUTIKA BGBl. II Nr. 212/2000) Allgemeines Als Arzneimittel oder Medikamente bezeichnet man Stoffe, die zur Erkundung, Verhütungund Behandlung von Krankheiten oder als Ersatz für Körperflüssigkeiten oderkörpereigene Stoffe dienen. Ursprünglich wur

Microsoft word - summary of workshop on investors.doc

Challenges for worker representatives from activist investors and takeovers Moderator: Andreas Botsch; Rapporteur: Pierre Habbard Panel: Helmut Gahleitner, Robbert van het Kaar, Andrew Pendleton Helmut Gahleitner gave an overview of the private equity (PE) and hedge fund (HF) sectors. The distinct features of PE and HF include: an excessive leveraging, the use of offshore financial centres


abnormal behavior, and diagnostic thresh-disorder, 162, 163, 164, 166. See also in-anticholinergic drugs, 142, 146 – 47, 174. See also Paxil (paroxetine hydrochloride)antidepressants: for children and adoles-adolescents, and antidepressants, 198– 99,cents, 198– 99, 205 – 6; and emotionalblunting, 8; marketing of, 4, 17, 106 –17, 121; risks of, 117–18, 198; for socialanxiet

Palomar college arboretum checklist

Lecture: Plants Of The Palomar College Arboretum W. P. Armstrong & Tony Rangel, April 2011 If You Get Lost In Wayne's Word Pages, Find This Page Again At The Top Of Brief Summary Of The Palomar College Arboretum By 1970, campus horticulturist Bob Kelly had already begun planting trees in an undeveloped area east of campus (near the Perimeter Road). ASG President Brian Hawthorne be


FACHBEREICH KUNST-, ORIENT- UND ALTERTUMSWISSENSCHAFTENINSTITUT FÜR KLASSISCHE ALTERTUMSWISSENSCHAFTEN Kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis Griechische Lyrik PROF. DR. M. HILLGRUBER Mit dem Wort "Lyrik" bezeichnen wir im weiteren Sinne alle Formen der Dichtung jenseits von Epos und Drama. Als der Begriff in hellenistischer Zeit aufkam, war er jedoch zunächst auf die zur Lyra gesun

[template for short form monographs (jan 1st 2004)]

Proper name(s): L-5-Hydroxytryptophan (O’Neil et al. 2001) Common name(s): L-5-Hydroxytryptophan, L-5-HTP (O’Neil et al. 2001) Source material(s): Isolated from Griffonia ( Griffonia simplicifolia (Vahl ex DC) Baill. (Fabaceae)) seed (Lemaire and Adosraku 2002; Fellows and Bell 1970) Route(s) of administration: Oral Dosage form(s): Only allowable pharmaceuti

Rsp - 46_1.indb

Joseane AmesI,II Falsifi cação de medicamentos Daniele Zago SouzaIII no Brasil Counterfeiting of drugs in Brazil OBJETIVO: Identifi car os principais medicamentos falsifi cados apreendidos pela Polícia Federal brasileira e os estados em que houve a apreensão. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo descritivo dos laudos periciais elaborados por Peritos Criminais da Polícia Feder


Sunday, August 29, 2010 Central Wisconsin Christian School Waupun, WI $20 earlybird registration (before August 15) $25 after August 15 Register at www.waupuncrc.com Ben & Bev live in Grand Rapids, MI where Ben serves as Great Lakes Regional Leader for CRC Home Missions. They have previously served ministries in Minnesota, Ohio and Michigan. Bev is a chu

Mrsa altenheim stand 01-2008

Methicillin-resistente Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) - Ratgeber für Alten- und Pflegeeinrichtungen 1. Allgemeine Informationen 2. Spezielle Informationen für Alten- und Pflegeeinrichtungen 3. Hygieneplan MRSA in Alten- und Pflegeeinrichtungen 3.1 Unterbringung von Bewohnern/Patienten mit MRSA Therapie/Sanierung von Bewohnern/Patienten mit MRSA Quelle: Informations


Our Mission: Serve. Protect . Because you need to know . . . . . . . . A Message from Chief Knight In Recognition of YOU!! The United States Congress has issued a “Certificate of Special Recognition” to the Chaska Police Department for “outstanding and invaluable service to the victims of Sgt. Jon Kehrberg-Commander Det. Norm Prusinski This award stems f


NÖVÉNYI SZEREK HELYE A MAI GYÓGYSZERKINCSBEN Gyógyszerészet 49. 770–774. 2005. ÚJ GYÓGYSZEREK A TERMÉSZETBÕL 1. Két antidiabetikum eredete: metformin és akarbóz Dr. Rédei Dóra és dr. Szendrei Kálmán Bevezetés kon túl – a belõlük származó tiszta gyógyszermoleku-lák jelzik a legjobban. Elemzések újra és újra megálla-Ma Magyarországon szinte mi


Introduction to Searching SciFinder Scholar What is SciFinder Scholar? • Desktop access to databases from CAS • http://www.cas.org/SCIFINDER/SCHOLAR/ • Usage Conditions apply • Key Co-Ordinator What does Scholar Search? • Over 16 million bibliographic records from over 8,000 journals and from major patent organizations (from 1967) • Over 22 million c

Microsoft word - 2011wbctchairsreport doc _2_.rtf

The past year has been another busy and productive year for our breast cancer research programme. Particular highlights over the year include the first major presentations and publication from our Waikato Breast Care (Cancer) Register (WBCR); the completion of two major local projects (one evaluating a Waikato incidence of lymphoedema and the other wound infiltration with local anaesthetic after

Microsoft word - handoutdm.doc

Overview of Medications  Glucophage –mild weight loss effect, works through the liver, and at the receptors, making your own insulin more effective. Eventually the pancreas may no longer produce enough insulin without assistance, and additional meds will be needed.  Starlix – helps produce rise of insulin at meal times. Its advantage is that it works with food, producing ↑

Peter j

DO NOT OPEN THIS EXAM UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Instructions Write your SUID in the upper right corner of this exam. Do NOT write your name. SHOW ALL YOUR WORK. Answers without supporting work will receive little or no credit. Do all your work on this exam. If you need extra space, write on the backs of the pages. However, if you do write an answer on the back of a page, be sure you've

12 dangerous dietary supplements: germander to yohimbe

12 Dangerous Dietary Supplements: Germander to Yohimbehttp://www.lhj.com/lhj/story.jhtml?storyid=/templatedata/lhj/story/. Beauty & Fashion Health & Fitness Relationships Food & Home Health & Fitness: Diet & Nutrition · Diets A-Z • From Andro to Comfrey • Germander to Yohim

National outcomes study of patients with osteonecrotic jaw (onj) amongst patients referred to dental hospitals and mfu/ent hospital departments in england and referred during 2009 and 2010

PROTOCOL A 2-year national new patient registration of patients with avascular necrosis of the jaws including bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis’ (BRONJ) referred to Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral and Maxillofacial Departments and Dental Hospitals in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland Purpose of proposed study 1) To capture all new patient referrals (case-ser


30 Bornes en individuel Place dans la Catégorie catégorie DELAFENESTRE 01.48.03 01.49.22 EL KHADRAOUI EL MOSTAFA 01.52.02 01.53.00 PANNEQUIN 01.54.18 NABGHOUH 01.55.35 01.57.12 JEAN FRANÇOIS 01.57.53 01.59.29 CHAMPEVAL 01.59.49 02.00.03 02.01.28 CHRISTOPHE 02.01.58 CHAPELLE 02.02.20 02.04.03 JEAN PAUL 02.05


Journal of Medical Microbiology (2012), 61, 984–989Outbreak of pulmonary infection caused byKlebsiella pneumoniae isolates harbouring blaIMP-4and blaDHA-1 in a neonatal intensive care unit inChinaFangyou Yu,1 Qunhua Ying,2 Chun Chen,3 Tingjian Li,3 Baixing Ding,4Ying Liu,3 Yuanyuan Lu,3 Zhiqiang Qin,5 Chris Parsons,5Cassandra Salgado,5 Di Qu,6 Jingye Pan4 and Liangxing Wang31Department of Lab

Microsoft word - hockeyhalsa.doc

Hockeyhälsa Information kring hockeyträning och hälsa Ishockey är en populär sport med många aktiva. Spelet är intensivt och hårt till sin natur som kontaktsport. Skador går aldrig att undvika, men en del kan göras för att hålla skadenivån så låg som möjligt. Riktiga skydd i rätt storlek, träna rätt, sköta sin kropp med mat och sömn är exempel på saker som både t


Abortion is a guaranteed right. The definition of an abortion is the termination of a pregnancy owing to or resulting in the death of the fetus. If women do not have this right, they will turn to "back-alley" abortions, which are inadequate and life threatening. Or, these women will try to perform the abortion themselves. Women in Nicaragua, India, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, and Poland,


Cysticercosis of Temporalis Muscle: A Histological Surprise Corresponding Author: Dr. Priya N Shah, Assistant Professor, Dr. D. Y. Patil Med College, Pune, A2/702, Kumar Princetown, Near California, Undri, Pune, 411060 - India Submitting Author: Dr. Priya N Shah, Assistant Professor, Dr. D. Y. Patil Med College, Pune, A2/702, Kumar Princetown, Near California, Undri, Pune, 411060 - I

Microsoft word - rede pille danach - 13.02.2014.docx

Rede von Annette Widmann-Mauz Parlamentarische Staatssekretärin beim Bundesminister für Gesundheit Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages „Pille danach“ anlässlich der Parlamentsdebatte am 13. Februar 2014 in Berlinwir debattieren heute über verschiedene Anträge der Oppositionsfraktionen mit dem Ziel, denArzneimittelwirkstoff Levonorgestrel – eine Variante der „Pil e dana




HYDRAGEL HEMOGLOBIN(E) K20 Ref. 3010 UTILIZAÇÃO O HYDRAGEL HEMOGLOBIN(E) K20 destina-se à separação das hemoglobinas normais (A e A ) e à detecção das principais hemoglobinasanómalas: S ou D e C ou E, por electroforese em geles de agarose. A electroforese é feita no hemolisado da lavagem dos glóbulos vermelhos. Ashemoglobinas são separadas em meio alcalino (pH 8,5), fixadas pelo

Travel-acquired leptospirosis

Travel-Acquired Leptospirosis Androula Pavli , MD, FRACGP * and Helena C. Maltezou , MD, PhD † * Offi ce for Travel Medicine and † Department for Interventions in Health-Care Facilities, Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Athens, Greece International travel is rapidly growing worldwide. Microbiology It has been estimated that international travels Leptospi

Microsoft word - publicationlistjuly2008ovds.doc

International refereed journals (first author) van der Stelt, O., Gunning, W. B., Snel, J., Zeef, E., & Kok, A. (1994). Children of alcoholics: Attention, information processing and event-related brain potentials. Acta Paediatrica, 404 (Suppl.), 4-6. ISSN 0803-5326. van der Stelt, O. (1994). Caffeine and attention. Pharmacopsychoecologia, 7(2), 221-227. van der Stelt, O., Gunning, W. B.

Microsoft word - tpp_issue_brief_final.doc

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines TPP Issue Brief - September 2011 How the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Threatens Access to Medicines The eighth round of closed-door negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement will be held in Chicago from September 6-15, 2011. Negotiations during this round

Microsoft word - vol 3 no 1 july 13 2009

W ords of ellness The newsletter of the Collaborative Support Programs of New Jersey Institute for Wellness and Recovery Initiatives ● www.cspnj.org ● Volume 3, Number 1 ● July 13, 2009 SCHIZOPHRENIA AND CANCER In a recent article in the journal Cancer ,1 a team of • A personal wellness quiz (taken from a 2004 researchers from a university department

Microsoft word - mso31c.doc

News Release Werum Software & Systems AG, 10/31/2006 Bayer HealthCare API Page 1 of 2 News Release October 2006 Bayer HealthCare runs Active Ingredient Production with PAS-X Third MES by Werum in Operation at Wuppertal Site Lueneburg, Germany, October 31, 2006 – A third active ingredient plant has been furnished with a PAS-X system by Werum Software & Systems at the Bayer H

Telemetry lift link / underhook / crane weighing load cell - 1t to 250t - et

Underhook/In-Line Strain Gauge Lift Link with Remote Telemetry Linked Display LIFT LINK SYSTEM Ranges 1 tonne to 500 tonne CHARACTERISTICS ET LIFT LINK Ranges (F.R.): 1, 2, 5, 12, 25, 35, 50, 100, 250, 500 tonne Designed for use with standard Accuracy: Lifting Shackles Temperature Range: Safe Overload: Link Sealed to IP67 Ultimate Overload: Display Seal


Topic: Antipsychotic and Physical Health in Dementia Paper Type: Assignment Word Count: 3450 words Pages: 14 pages Referencing Style: Harvard Referencing Educational Level: Graduate Antipsychotic and Physical Health in Dementia [Student’s Name] [Name of Institution] Antipsychotic and Physical Health in Dementia Introduction This report concerns the use

Whataburger ingredient list

WHATABURGER®, INC. INGREDIENT LIST Apple Turnover, Fried Water, Enriched Flour (Wheat Flour, Niacin, Iron, Thiamine Mononitrate, Riboflavin, Folic Acid), Apples, Sugar, Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Shortening (Soybean Oil and/or Cottonseed Oil), Modified Food Starch, Corn Syrup, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Salt, Soy Flour, Leavening (Disodium Dihydrogen Pyrophosphate, Sodium Bicarbona

Microsoft word - terms of use_spanish_11-feb-2009.doc

POR FAVOR LEA ATENTAMENTE ESTAS CONDICIONES DE USO ANTES DE UTILIZAR ESTE SITIO. Utilizar el sitio WebSite.ws constituye su consentimiento a las siguientes condiciones (en adelante “Condiciones de Uso”). Por favor no utilice este sitio si no está de acuerdo con estas Condiciones de Uso. Tenga en cuenta que las presentes Condiciones de Uso están sujetas a cambios y podrán ser modificadas cua

Physician connectivity: electronic prescribing

ISSUE BRIEF Physician Connectivity:Electronic PrescribingWednesday, February 23, 2000Washington, DC Jean Paul Gagnon, Ph.D. Helene Levens-Lipton, Ph.D. Schools of Pharmacy and MedicineUniversity of California, San Francisco David J. Gibson, M.D. President Harold M. Koenig, M.D. Surgeon General (retired) U.S. NavyWith comments from a representative of the pharmacy industryO


Hardware removal Surgery PoSt-oPerative inStructionS Bleeding through the dressing is normal. Expect some reddish staining of the splint near the surgical site. An ACE wrap with additional gauze pads may be used to cover this up and reinforce the dressing/splint. You maybe bear weight on the leg or arm as tolerated unless instructed otherwise. Elevate the extremity on 2-3 pillows as much as


ALS and other motor neuron disorders 2003 4(Suppl 1), 142–160 # 2003 ALS and other motor neuron disorders. All rights reserved. ISSN 1466-0822expressing G93A-SOD1 (G93A-glia) by standard immuno-chemical methods; NF-kB activity was determined by EMSA. Ferri A1,2, Cozzolino M1, Casciati A1, Ferraro E3,We have demonstrated that high-level, transient expression ofseveral mutant FALS-SOD1s (A4

Post operative egg retrival instructions

Post Operative Egg Retrieval Instructions GENERAL ACTIVITY Today you may engage in light activity but tomorrow your activity can be essentially normal. Please do not drive or cook today. You might find that you are a little nauseated from the sedation that you received so you may want to eat lightly today. You may resume a regular diet tomorrow. You may also notice some vaginal spotti


Who’s on First? The Caffeine One-Minute Intelligence Test If you want to contemplate the 4th dimension, try to exceed the speed of light, or just figure out how to connect your new DVD or cappuccino maker, you should be interested in finding out how much coffee and caffeine can rev up your brain power. Did you ever have annoying teachers who said that you had to work hard to get smart

Write here your title

A model of bone remodeling during osteoporosis treatment to quickly compare different (intermittent or alternating) treatment protocols. Van der Linden JC1*, Verhaar JAN2, Weinans H1. 1 Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, department of orthopaedics, EE1614, PO Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 2 Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, department of orthopaedics, HS 105, PO Box

Microsoft word - treatment flyer-no price-caves house

Facials Deep Cleansing and Rebalancing Facial This facial is for combination/ oily skin types. It incorporates an exclusive Antibacterial Serum containing thyme, niaouli, tea tree, echinacea and rosemary to calm, heal, reduce bacteria, seal and rebalance hormonal skin problems. Duration: 60mins Beneficial Botanical Facial and Body Treatment Excellent for mature and sun damage


Mitteilen Seite 59 Hoffnung für Besitzer des CS Euroreal Fonds Aufteilen Seite 59 Nutzniessung mindert den Wert massiv im Falle von Ergänzungsleistungen Urteilen Seite 61 ,+’*()- Bundesverwaltungsgericht erhält ein neues Gebäude Roche Die Führung des Pharmariesen ist beim Swatch Die Schuldenkrise in Europa und 0"!# Übernahmepreis für Ill

Microsoft word - wspohn27.doc

The Character of Color Terms: A Materialist View This paper investigates the character of predicates like:λ xy ( x appears red to y ),where x stands for a visible object and y for a perceiving subject (the reference to a timemay be neglected).1 I take here ”character” in the sense of Kaplan (1977) as substantiatedby Haas-Spohn (1995 and Chapter 14 in this book)). The point of usi


TOXICS RELEASE INVENTORY List of Toxic Chemicals within Warfarin Category Section 313 of EPCRA requires certain facilities manufacturing, processing, orotherwise using listed toxic chemicals to report their environmental releases of such chemicalsannually. Beginning with the 1991 reporting year, such facilities also must report pollutionprevention and recycling data for such chemicals,


Sexual Health Unit, School of Population Health The University of Melbourne PARTICIPANT INFORMATION FORM Sexual Health Unit, School of Population Health, University of Melbourne Full Project Title: Woman on Woman’s Health (WOW) Principal Researcher: Dr Catriona Bradshaw Associate Researchers: Professor Christopher Fairley, Dr Jane Hocking, Dr Marcus Chen, Associate


Interoute Management Biographies Photos of the Interoute Management Team are also available for download from the website http://www.interoute.com/about-us/leadership. For additional information, please contact us: Interoute Communications Limited Walbrook Building 195 Marsh Wall London E14 9SG T +44 020 725 9000 E info@interoute.com W www.interoute.com Registered address as above

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Cost-effective single-chip solution for stereo_äìÉqìåÉë=olj=píÉêÉç=eÉ~ÇëÉí=pçäìíáçåheadset and wireless speaker applicationsA2DP1.2 and AVRCP1.0 profiles enabled withSBC encoder for streaming audio over BluetoothMP3 decoder for improved audio quality andHigh-quality audio 95dB SNR on DAC playbackFastStream, CSR’s low-latency codec for videoHFP 1.5 (includes 3-way


WEST LEICESTERSHIRE CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP BOARD MEETING 12 March 2013 Subject: Presented to the WLCCG Board by: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. West Leicestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (WLCCG) is required to have in place a range of policies and procedures in preparation for statutory authorisation on the 1 April 2013. 2. WLCCG organisational policies and

Plakat a0 hoch fbw

Vitamin B12-Mangel – Wie kann das Risiko in der Ernährungsberatung präventiv eingeschätzt werden? Studiengang Ernährung und Diätetik (Bsc) Bachelor -Thesis 2011 Einleitung Ergebnisse Ein Vitamin B12-Mangel tritt in der Bevölkerung häufiger auf Die Risikofaktoren Helicobacter pylori Infektion und Metformin als bisher angenommen. Aufgrund der unspezifischen befinden sich in

Microsoft word - mt state protocols drugs.doc

(Adenocard) Conversion of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia to sinus rhythm. Adenosine slows conduction through the AV node and can interrupt reentry pathways. INDICATIONS CONTRAINDICATIONS • Second or third-degree AV block, Sick Sinus Syndrome unless patient with a functional artificial pacemaker. • Adenosine is ineffective in converting atrial flutter, atrial fibrillati


Kater, Krämpfe, Knochenbruch. Eine Seefahrt, die ist lustig – bis der Erste (see)krank wird. Dann sollte die Bordapotheke gut bestückt sein, von Aspirin bis Zugsalbe. Sonntagnachmittag, 15 Uhr, die Wellen werden höher. Windstärke 6, das Chaos ist perfekt. Im Bug hängt das erste grüne Gesicht über der Reling, im Heck schlittern die Damen auf ihren Schuhen, unter Deck splittern d

Microsoft word - cv-fy2009-july 2009.doc

Name: Varsha Present Title and Affiliation : Primary Director of Education & Faculty Development Joint Appointment Department of Leukemia The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Citizenship : U.S.A. Office Address : Education : Degree-Granting Education: Kanpur University, Kanpur, India, B


Facteurs de forme et technique projective, sansResume : Dans cet article nous presentons une methode projective, dans le cadre de la radiosite,qui simpli e le calcul des facteurs de forme, en calculant les contours d'ombres projetees. Lesombres sont delimitees par un polygone d'occlusion qui nous permet d'identi er les parties visibleset cachees des objets. Nous pouvons alors calculer

Packing information - general

PACKING INFORMATION - GENERAL Packing is always a problem for first-time or inexperienced travellers, or when you are going to a country where the weather may be an unknown factor or a mixture of warm and wet. For this reason we include a lot of information and suggestions for packing. There is also a sample handout from one of the schools. Much of the information overlaps but it does not do any h


Manómetros con elementos elásticos Información técnica Los manómetros indicados con elemento de medición elástico se utilizan de forma extensiva para medir presiones en aplicacionestécnicas, debido a que son robustos como fáciles de manipular. Los manómetros incorporan elementos de medición que se deformanelásticamente según la influencia de la presión. Los manómetros mecánic


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2011-202577-76-benefit summary-dom-v4_benefit summary

Student Injury and Sickness Insurance Plan for Domestic Students Attending Mountain State University 2011-2012 Mountain State University is pleased to offer an Injury and Sickness Insurance Planunderwritten by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company. All registered undergraduate studentstaking 9 or more credit hours, and all registered graduate students taking 6 or more credithours or design

Template for electronic submission of organic letters

XVIII Encontro de Iniciação à Pesquisa Universidade de Fortaleza 22 à 26 de Outubro de 2012 Complicações pulmonares e comorbidades dos pacientes transplantados de Danna de Macêdo Franco*1, Thais Muratori Holanda2, Pedro Henrique Maia3, Emilia Maria Matos Rocha4, Cyntia Maria Sampaio Viana5, Mirizana Alves de Almeida6 4. Hospital de Messejana, Fisioterapeuta 5. Hospital de

Wellstar medical imaging exam prep instructions

WellStar Medical Imaging Exam Prep Instructions Appointment Date/Time:_____________________ Facility:________________ If you have orders from your physician, please bring them to your appointment and arrive 15 Minutes prior to appointment time for Registration. Please bring picture ID and Insurance Card. □ CT Scan Chest/Thorax with Contrast*: This exam requires IV Contrast

4893 rodenticide booklet.indd

CONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Mode of action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Signs of Poisoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Diagnosis . . . .

Expertise lost: an early case of technology assessment

EXPERTISE LOST An Early Case of Technology Assessment Social Studies of Science , 24 (1), 1994, 96-104 Bernward Joerges In his beautiful book on the Eisenbahnreise , Wolfgang Schivelbusch mentions the expertise of a Königlich Bayrisches Obermedizinalkollegium on the health hazards of railway travhis exper-tise has played a certain role in the history of the railway and of

Casefarmaceutiche_brevetti_e bioinvestimenti.pub

Newsletter Case farmaceutiche, tra brevetti in sca- In questo numero denza ed investimenti nelle biotecnologie - I farmaci tradizionali stanno per subire una seria minaccia dai ri- spettivi generici Aprile 2010 – A breve le case farmaceutiche tradizionali dovranno fare i conti con la sca- denza di molti brevetti riguardanti farmaci importanti. Per sopperire


The Wheeler School Health Center CONFIDENTIAL STUDENT HEALTH HISTORY – TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENT(S)/GUARDIAN(S) New Students : Complete side 1 and side 2. Returning Students : Side 1 must be completed. Complete Side 2 if any new health issues. Student Name ___________________________________________________ Grade ______ (Last) Medication History NO Medications


Whatman Protein Precipitation UNIFILTER® Fast Flow Fast, easy and automatable protein precipitation. A fast, effective protein removal method for plasma PROTOCOL and serum is vital for high-throughput labs measuringdrugs and metabolites. Whatman provides the idealsolution with the Fast Flow Protein PrecipitationUNIFILTER®. This high-quality filterplate replaces the lengthy centri

Vicky khanna

Vicky Khanna C-1 Shiv Vihar, Dwarka Modh, New Delhi, India ¬ To Create, Invent or Discover something that compliments Humankind. ¬ Pursuing Masters in Technology ( Bio-Informatics ) International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, A.P. India. ¬ Bachelors in Technology ( Biotechnology ) Ambala College of Engineering and Applied Research, Ambala (ACE&AR)Kurukshetra Un


Read Cussler Ch. 5-6 Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 Problem 5 Problem 6 Problem 7 The bioavailability of drugs delivered orally is often low. Following absorption from the digestive tract into the blood, many drugs are quickly converted by the liver to an inactive form before they can reach the rest of the circulation. One way to circumvent


Complete Summary GUIDELINE TITLE Practice parameter: the care of the patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (an evidence-based review). Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology: ALS Practice Parameters Task Force. BIBLIOGRAPHIC SOURCE(S) Miller RG, Rosenberg JA, Gelinas DF, Mitsumoto H, Newman D, Sufit R, Borasio GD, Bradley WG, Bromberg

Microsoft powerpoint - escmid 03 - bugs in data 2 poster

BUGS IN THE DATA 2: Effects of identification, repeat and screening isolates on resistance estimates ML Heginbothom, JT Magee, JL Bell, AJ Howard. National Public Health Service for Wales, Abton House, Wedal Road, Cardiff, CF14 3QX, UK Abstract: An all-Wales database, comprising details for ca . 300,000 community isolates of urinary coliforms Conclusions: The effects of regarding he

Vitamine d wkgf 4-5-12

Vitamine D Fysiologie De term ‘Vitamine D’ is een verzamelnaam voor verschillende vitamine D-moleculen. In de praktijk treedt vaak verwarring op doordat niet wordt vermeld of men het heeft over vitamine D2, vitamine D3 of metabolieten daarvan. Wanneer een vitamine D spiegel wordt vermeld, wordt normaliter de calcidiolspiegel (25OHD3 = 25-hydroxycolecalciferol) bedoeld. Colecalciferol

Microsoft word - patient medical history rheumatology

Date of Appointment: WMG Account Number: PERSONAL AND SOCIAL HISTORY Do you live alone? Education: Do you regularly consume alcohol? Average number of drinks per week (now or in the past)? How would you describe your cigarette smoking? How many packs per day do you (or did you) smoke? Does anybody smoke in the house in which you live? How many caffeinated beverages do you consume pe

Microsoft word - csadd-22-23-2013

[TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, EXTRAORDINARY, PART II, SECTION 3, SUB- SECTION (i)] G.S.R._(E). -WHEREAS in the matter of import of Bulk Drug Cefadroxil Monohydrate (hereinafter referred to as subject goods), falling under Chapter 29 of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975), (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), originating in or exported from the Europe


What is chelation, and how can it help copper to be excreted? How other substances bind to copper An atom of the metal copper (Cu) can gain two positive charges by losing two electrons to become , a copper ion (an atom that possesses electrical charge is called an ion) This turns the metal copper into a copper salt (an assembly of the positively charged Cu ions and negatively charged


Scott VanAppledorn, MD Eastside Urology Associates, PS 11911 NE 132nd St. Ste #200 Kirkland, Washington 98034 (425) 899-5800 e-mail: svanappledorn@eastsideurology.com DOB: December 7, 1969 Place of birth: Ann Arbor, Michigan Personal: Married (Samantha) with three children (Alexandra, John, Andrew) Professional Interests: Laparoscopy, Robotic Surgery, Minimally Invasive Surgery Cu


Bewährtes Maisherbizidgegen Hirsen, Ungräser undUnkräuterSAMSON 4 SC ist ein selektives Nachauflauf-herbizid zur Bekämpfung von Gräsern undSAMSON 4 SC gehört zur Wirkstoffgruppe derSulfonylharnstoffe. Der Wirkstoff wird von denPflanzen hauptsächlich über das Blatt und zugeringem Teil über die Wurzeln aufgenommen. Hemmung des Enzyms Acetolactat Synthase(ALS) in den Zellen der Unkr�


CONSENT FOR SERVICE My child, _______________________________________________, does not have my permission (please check one) to be seen by the health care provider(s) from Nationwide Children’s Hospital at the School Based Mobile Care Center. I understand I will receive either a written or phone follow-up report when my child is seen. I also give permission for the health care provider to

Ur- essenz

Rutwiga Ingard Ortner, Christian- Jorhan- Str. 1, 85447 Fraunberg / Reichenkirchen Tel.: 0049 (0)8762 7383511, Fax: 0049 (0)8762 7383512, Email: Ingard@wigena.de, Internet: www.wigena.de Von Dr. John Switzer - Volltext siehe: www.ein-langes-leben.de - Thema Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 (auch Cyanocobalamin, Hydroxycobalamin oder Methylcobalamin genannt) wird wegen seiner Farbe auch als das rote Vit


Découvertes Trois études montrent que l’efficacité d’un antiplaquettaire, deuxième médicament le plus venduau monde, dépend pour partie du profil génétique du malade. Une médecine individualisée se profile L’analysegénétiquededeuxsquelettesgne montre qu’ils disposaient déjà dugène O qui, chez l’homme moderne, dési-gne les donneurs de sang universel. Laluez-Fox

Lamplighter 1054 proper

DEDICATED TO THE REVERED LEADER OF WORLD JEWRY, THE LUBAVITCHER REBBE “What's on the agenda for tonight?" he said looking through the different programs for that evening. "We can The festival of Sukkot, which follows Rosh Hashana and Yom either hear a lecture by Rabbi Klein or go to a concert at Kippur, marks the beginning of the true days of rejoicing of the month of Tishrei, c

Microsoft word - apendix_phase3.doc

Copyright © 2003 ICARE, All rights reserved. Contact: jmcgowa@sph.emory.edu ABBREVIATIONS USED IN ICARE ANALYSIS Antimicrobial Groups Antimicrobial / Group Abbreviation Methicillin group : Methicillin, Nafcillin, Oxacillin, Cloxacillin (oral), Dicloxacillin (oral) Ampicillin group : Ampicillin (parenteral, oral), Ampicillin/Sulbactam Amoxicillin (oral), Amoxicillin/C

Microsoft word - 02 dr.vitthal gore

MARLOWE’S DOCTOR FAUSTUS AND THE PARADOX OF THE RENAISSANCE Dr. Vitthal Gore, Department of English, Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad, Hyderabad, A. P. Abstract: The Elizabethan Age began in the fourth quarter of the sixteenth century and continued for about fifty years. The age saw the movements of the transition which carried out the essence of the age. Christopher Marlowe


HemoSense Launches E-Trainer, Web-Based Training for the INRatio System SAN JOSE, Calif., Aug 16, 2005 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- HemoSense, Inc. (AMEX:HEM), manufacturer of the INRatio(R) Prothrombin Time (PT) Monitoring System, today announced the launch of E-Trainer(TM), a free, web-based interactive training module. E-Trainer provides self-paced, on-site training for healthcare professionals

Microsoft word - nursing needle-april[1].docx

As the saying goes…”April showers bring May flowers”. But to get those flowers, water is needed to make them grow. All living things need water to survive. That includes you and me. Without water our bodies would stop working properly. The body has important jobs to do and needs water to perform those jobs. Water is most of our blood. It helps to take oxygen and food to our bodi

Judicial review (constitutional adjudication)

INSTITUTIONS AND PROCEDURES OF CONSTITUTIONAL ADJUDICATION Prof. R. Uitz The course covers problems of constitutional adjudication in the U.S., Germany, France, Canada, South Africa and Eastern Europe, with a focus on constitutional review of legislation. Issues include the origin of judicial review, procedural aspects (jurisdiction, standing and admissibility), justification and criticism of

Microsoft word - ma_cv_v6

Curriculum Vitae Li-Hua Ma Address Department of Environmental Toxicology University of California, Davis 4330 Meyers Hall One Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616 Tel: (530)-752-4380 Email: lma@ucdavis.edu Education Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry, Xiamen University, 2002 M.S. in Applied Chemistry, Shanxi University, 1999 B.S. in Physical Chemistry, Shanxi University, 1996 Resea


Product Bulletin Product Code #43294 6 - 5 lb. Land O'Lakes 25% Reduced Sodium 50% Reduced Fat Macaroni and Cheese Product Description 6 - 5 lb. Land O'Lakes 25% Reduced Sodium 50% Reduced Fat Macaroni and Cheese. MealContribution Credits per 6oz Serving: 2 m/ma and 1 bread Ingredients Cooked Enriched Pasta (water, semolina, egg whites, niacin, ferrous sulfate, thiamin mononitrate

Microsoft word - tonsillectomy instructions.doc

TONSILLECTOMY INSTRUCTIONS 1. Avoid aspirin or aspirin-like products for three weeks before and two weeks aftersurgery. These include ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin), naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn),and Celebrex. Tylenol (acetaminophen) is acceptable if you need a pain reliever. 2. Do not eat or drink anything after midnight prior to the morning of surgery. Thisincludes water and sucking candy.



Microsoft word - 200509-drug-induced photosensitivity.doc

Detail-Document #200509 −This Detail-Document accompanies the related article published in− PHARMACIST’S LETTER / PRESCRIBER’S LETTER Drug-Induced Photosensitivity Lead author: Kelly M. Shields, Pharm.D. Drugs Reported to Cause Photosensitivity Reactions 1-11 Therapeutic Class Comments ( Zyrtec ), cyproheptadine ( Periactin ), diphenhydramine ( Benadryl ),


Shelley is a 32-year-old mother of two beautiful girls. This person grew up with red spots on the face. Since this did not pose any problems, these wereperceived to be freckles that people get in the teenage years, which will eventually go away as the individual, gets older. Unfortunately, this remaineduntil Shelley was much older and was shocked with the diagnosis given by the doctor. The speci

Specific clinical issues:

Specific Clinical Risk Factors: GI Problems in People with Developmental Disabilities Specific Clinical Risk Factors: GI Problems in People with Developmental Disabilities Dysphagia, esophageal disorders & GE reflux OPENING COMMENTS: Don’t confuse “usual” with “normal” Don’t ignore the signs that a problem exists (“I told ya and I told ya”) It’s important to

Microsoft word - strahlfaeule.d

Strahlfäule So vornehm Ihr Name klingt so unappetitlich sind Ihre Folgen. „Fuso-necrohori“ heißen die Erregerder Strahlfäule in korrektem Mediziner-Latein. Bevor die Spindelbakterien zu Krankmachernmutieren, machen Sie sich erst einmal nützlich. Im Darmkanal von Menschen und Tieren, vorallem von Pflanzenfressern, wirken Sie bei der Verdauung mit. Doch für das Pferd werden Sie zurGe


Adapalene Gel, 0.1%, as Maintenance Therapy for Acne Vulgaris A Randomized, Controlled, Investigator-Blind Follow-up of a Recent Combination Study Diane M. Thiboutot, MD; Alan R. Shalita, MD; Paul S. Yamauchi, MD, PhD; Catherine Dawson;Nabil Kerrouche; Ste´phanie Arsonnaud; Sewon Kang, MD Objective: To assess the maintenance effect of ada- Main Outcome Measures: Efficacy and safety

West somerset railway association

WEST SOMERSET RAILWAY INFORMATION FOR VOLUNTEERS DEPARTMENT: Motive Power - Locomotive Department INTRODUCTION: The Locomotive Department is under the control of the Chief Mechanical Engineer (CME) and assists him with the cleaning of engines and the supply of drivers and fireman to operate the locomotives. Any engineering skills are in great demand assisting with the restoration or ov

Wnv fact sheet

PUBLIC HEALTH West Nile Virus FACT SHEET Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH), 305 South Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 What is West Nile Virus (WNV)? West Nile virus (WNV) is a mosquito-carried virus that can cause illness ranging from a mild fever to more serious disease like encephalitis or meningitis. It was first identified in the United States in 1999. How is WNV


Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. WATER OASIS GROUP LIMITED

City of winter park fire-rescue

City of Winter Park Fire-Rescue Standard Operating Guideline Title: Personal Respiratory Protection Date Issued: December 6th, 2005 Date Last Revised: October 5th, 2010 Revision Number: I Total Pages: 3 Purpose: The purpose of this guideline is to help min imize significant exposure to Tuberculosis and other airborne diseases. Scope: All members of this departme


Weight loss pills have become a craze within the masses and all those who want to lose weightwithout doing much hard work, take refuge in the usage of weight loss pills. We see differenttypes of diet pills coming every day in the market. But one thing should be kept in mid whilegoing to make a decision of taking a pill and that is a thorough research regarding what pillshould be taken and what sho

Microsoft word - dedvukaj, drane jws 2010-36181.doc

STATE OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS AND RULES ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE : Jay W. Sexton HEARING DECISION This matter is before the undersigned Administrative Law Judge pursuant to MCL 400.9 and MCL 400.37 upon claimant’s request for a hearing. After due notice, a telephone hearing was held in Sterling Heights on September 28, 2010. Claimant personally appeared and testified u


For Immediate Release TOTAL SAFETY ACQUIRES LEADING FLARE SERVICES COMPANY San Antonio-Based Flare Ignitors Broadens Total Safety’s Solutions Sets Houston – January 6, 2014 – Leading international safety solutions provider Total Safety today announced it has acquired Flare Ignitors Holdings, owner of both Flare Ignitors & Rentals and Flare Ignitors Pipeline & Refi

Volume 6-4

Monograph Echinacea Introduction the Compositae family; the three species ofmedicinal interest being Echinaceaangustifolia, Echinacea purpurea, and Echinacea pallida. Echinacea angustifolia has been used therapeutically for centuries by Native Ameri-cans as a remedy for eye conditions, snake bites, insect stings, infected wounds, eczema, enlargedglands, mumps, and rabies. It was als

Microsoft word - yasminzakiniaeiz'scv_6-2012.doc

YASMIN ZAKINIAEIZ Education 08/2008-Present Expected Graduation Date: June 2013 Macaulay Honors Program at Hunter College of CUNY BP-ENDURE Program Scholar Honors Thesis in Psychology: The Effects of Mold Exposure on Learning and Spatial Memory in Mice. Principal Investigator: Cheryl F. Harding, Ph.D. Research Experience Cognitive, Affect and Psychopathology Lab Research A

Microsoft word - shingles

Shingles What is "shingles"? Shingles is a skin rash caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. The virus responsible for these conditions is called Varicella zoster. After an individual has chickenpox, this virus lives in the nerves and is never fully cleared from the body. Under certain circumstances, such as emotional stress, immune deficiency (from AIDS or chemother

Authorization for medical treatment

White’s Chapel United Methodist Church 2011-2012 ________________________________________________________________ ________________________ Child’s Name ________________________________________________________________ ________________________ Physician’s Name and Address In the event that I cannot be reached to make arrangements for medical treatment, I authorize any representative of W

Microsoft word - 3b_sbcms_chemical_and_biological_agents_reference_chart.doc

SBCMS PRIMER ON BIOTERRORISM San Bernardino County Medical Society http://www.sbcms.org/bioterrorism/primer.htm Chemical Agents Reference Chart CHEMICAL SYMPTOMS TREATMENT S alivation. Atropine – initial dose 2 mg. Additional doses until symptoms resolved (will not reverse miosis). L acrimation. Pralidoxime Chloride – 1 gram IV over 20–30 minutes. U rination. Be


III -7 Buenas maneras para la convivencia: 1. Convivir con los japoneses: Para vivir en Japón lo primero que hay que tener en cuenta son las normas de cortesía y las costumbres diarias, de esta manera podrá irse acostumbrando a ellas y aplicarlas.  Es importante no llegar tarde a las citas. En caso de llegar tarde o no poder acudir, hay que avisárselo sin falta. La forma de saludar

Chemwatch australian msds 24-8854

3-IN-ONE PROFESSIONAL AIR DUSTER Chemwatch Independent Material Safety Data Sheet Issue Date: 4-Nov-2010 CHEMWATCH 24-8854 Version No:3 CD 2010/3 Page 1 of 6 Section 1 - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME 3-IN-ONE PROFESSIONAL AIR DUSTER PROPER SHIPPING NAME 1,1-DIFLUOROETHANE (REFRIGERANT GAS R 152a) PRODUCT USE ■ The use of a quantity of material


CHAPTER 4 DRUGS AND MEDICATIONS Determining the Equine Drugs and Medications Designation for Each Breed or Discipline. Testing. Cooperation. Responsibility and Accountability of Trainers. Equine Drugs and Medications Testing in Connection with an Appeal Measurement. Results, Confirmatory Analysis, and Retest. Management Procedures. Interpretations of the Federa

West joint prescribing formulary

Chapter 4 – DRUGS ACTING ON CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Category Drug name Strength / dose / form BCU Comments 4.1 – Hypnotics and anxiolytics 4.1.1 Hypnotics Benzodiazepine mazepam 4.1.2 Anxiolytics Benzodiazepine Beta blockers 4.2 – Drugs used in psychoses and related disorders 4.2.1 Antipsychotic Restricted to specialist psychiatric use only


F or your safety and to assist us in accurately diagnosing and NICKNAME .  MALE  FEMALE treating you, please review this form completely and fill out areas ADDRESS . which pertain to you. All information is private and confidential. CITY . STATE . ZIP . DENTAL HEALTH HOME PHONE . CELL PHONE . YOUR DENTIST . CITY . EMAIL ADDRESS . HOW LONG . DATE OF LAST VISIT . EM

Microsoft word - treatment of inhalational anthrax table.doc

Patient Category Initial IV Therapy †‡ Oral Regimens (continue therapy for 60 days [IV and PO combined]) Patients should be treated with IV therapy initially. § or Treatment can be switched to oral therapy when clinically and Ciprofloxacin, 500 mg PO twice daily or Doxycycline, 100 mg PO twice daily One or two additional antimicrobials (agents with in v


The New Weight Loss Kid on the Block: “ALLI” By Nancy J. Krank, ACE-Certified Personal Trainer If you pick up a magazine, watch television, or go to the market, chances are you have seen the first Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved over-the-counter weight loss pill “ALLI”(pronounced Ally). In 1999 the FDA approved Orlistat, a prescription drug for obesity. Alli is the half-

Microsoft word - rs-11-09.doc

INDUSTRIE-INFO 11/2009 1. Akkus mit zehnfacher Speicherkapazität geplant Nutzung von Sauerstoff als Reagenz als Schlüssel zum Erfolg Ein von der Universität St. Andrews (http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk) entwickelter Ansatz verspricht im Falle von Marktreife eine Verzehnfachung der Speicherkapazität von Lithium-Ionen-Akkus. Das vom UK Engineering and Physical Science Council (http://

Medical care at isu events

The medical facilities at all ISU Events must follow the ISU Rules and the ISUmemorandum. This appendix is to be used as a guide for local organizers in assisting their medical staffto provide the necessary medical coverage of ISU competitions. Rinkside Medical Personnel and Equipment:1) All medical personnel at rinkside must be trained in emergency procedures andhave advanced cardiac and trau


Depression in children and young people Factsheet for young people About this factsheet This is one in a series of factsheets for parents, teachers andyoung people entitled Mental Health and Growing Up . The aimsof these factsheets are to provide practical, up-to-dateinformation about mental health problems (emotional,behavioural and psychiatric disorders) that can affect childrenand y


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Functional health evaluation

Blair B. Masters, DC, FIAMA1583 Main DrFayetteville, AR 72704 Patient : 103 Date of Analysis: May 17, 2012 Gender: Male Age: 53 Blood type: Unknown The summary of findings lead to the following considerations: Adrenal Hypofunction Liver Dysfunction Insulin Resistance Dehydration Diabetes/Hyperglycemia Zinc Deficiency Adrenal Hypofunction Your lab results are strongly suggestive

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