"G" - Drugstore Pdf Search:

Microsoft word - gh drug protocols 2004 with table of content revised may 5 2005.doc


Pcca confidential hormone evaluation - medical history - …

PCCA CONFIDENTIAL HORMONE EVALUATION MEDICAL HISTORY Name: __________________________________ Today’s Date: Home Phone: ______________________________ Birthdate: Age: _____ Cell Phone: ______________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ Work Phone: ______________________________ City: _________________________


SOUTHERN PARK COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Meeting Minutes for Aug, 4, 2011 Public Meeting 1) Call to order: Chairman Calanni called meeting to order at 7:05PM 2) Introduction of Guests : None 3) Attendees: Board members Sam Calanni, Amy Mason and Harry Gintzer. Board members Anita Long and Flip Boettcher had excused absences. Also present were Board Secretary Roberta

Advice to gps in flood-affected areas - tetanus vaccine and treatment of infections

Chief Health Officer advice to doctors in flood affected areas This advice relates to the provision of tetanus-containing vaccine and the treatment of water-related infections, in the event of penetrating injuries in persons clearing up flood related damage. Tetanus immunisation protocol Wound assessment and management A full medical assessment is needed to determine if wounds are tet

Microsoft word - info_sheet=scn9a_inherited pain disorders.doc

GeneDx 207 Perry Parkway Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Phone: 301-519-2100 Fax: 301-519-2892 E-mail: genedx@genedx.com www.genedx.com Genetic testing of the SCN9A Gene in Inherited Pain Syndromes Includes: Inherited erythromelalgia (IEM); Paroxysmal extreme pain disorder (PEPD); Small fiber neuropathy (SFN); Congenital indifference to pain (CIP) Mend

Jm520507 403.408

Journal of Medical Microbiology (2003), 52, 403–408Expression stability of six housekeeping genes: aproposal for resistance gene quantification studiesof Pseudomonas aeruginosa by real-timequantitative RT-PCRHakan Savli,1 Aynur Karadenizli,2 Fetiye Kolayli,2 Sibel Gundes,3Ugur Ozbek4 and Haluk Vahaboglu31–3Tibbi Biyoloji AD1, Mikrobiyoloji ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji AD2 and Enfeksiyon Hastalik

Drs datta 9th august 2012

type 1 with obesity. Deficiency of insulin plus National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE): T2D treatment algorithm1 Consider SU if: HbA1c ≥6.5% after lifestyle intervention Consider substituting Consider adding DPP-4 or TZD for SU if: DPP-4 or TZD if: Consider adding sitagliptin or TZD: •Instead of insulin if insulin is unacceptable Cons

Microsoft word - october 2010 paea bulletin-rlk.doc

P O L I S H - A M E R I C A N E N G I N E E R S A S S O C I A T I O N 6615 West Irving Park Road, Suite 202, Chicago, Illinois 60634, USA ● www.polishengineers.org All members and friends of Polish-American Engineers Association are cordially DATE: Friday, October 15th, 2010 7:30 p.m. Polish National Alliance Dr. Danuta Stadnicka Mobile Workforce Management System at Ex


Características farmacológicas Propriedades farmacodinâmicas albendazol O albendazol contém como princípio ativo o albendazol, quimicamente o [metil-5-(propil-tio)-1H-benzimidazol-2-il] carbamato, que, em estudos nosanimais e no homem, exibe propriedades ovicida, larvicida e helminticida. FORMA FARMACÊUTICA, VIA DE ADMINISTRAÇÃO E APRESENTAÇÕES A droga exerce sua ativid

Gia colon prep

GASTROENTEROLOGY CONSULTANTS , P.C. BRIAN D. CLARKE, M.D. SUSAN A. WOLFE, FNP, C You are scheduled for a colonoscopy on ______________________, ____________________ 201_ . Report to outpatient registration at _________ a.m./p.m. at  Community Hospital North at 7150 Clearvista Pkwy, Phone (317) 621-5193  Carmel Endoscopy Center at 13421 Old Meridian St, Phone(317) 706-1600 You



Microsoft word - gioxil-ppi

1 PV 2860 AMP Patient Information GIOXIL-36® CAPSULES Read this important information before you start taking GIOXIL-36 and each time you get a refill. There may be new information. You may also find it helpful to share this information with your partner. This information does not take the place of talking with your healthcare provider. You and your healthcare provider should talk a


P ref eitu ra Mu nic ipal d e Gua rac i Rua Pref. João de Giuli, 180 – CEP 86620-000 – Guaraci PR Fone/Fax: (43)260-1133 e-mail: pmguaraci@onda.com.br CNPJ – 75.845.537/0001-51 EDITAL DE PREGÃO PRESENCIAL Nº 012/2013 Município de Guaraci - PR Secretaria Municipal de Administração Edital de Pregão Presencial nº. 012/2013 Tipo de julgamento: menor preço no lote Edital de preg

Azathioprin info

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Pressemitteilung neuron 1/08 uhr

MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE OF PSYCHIATRY - MUNICH Public Relations Dr. Barbara Meyer E-Mail: bmeyer@mpipsykl.mpg.de Response to antidepressants will become predictable! Gene variants of the ABCB-1 gene determine effect of antidepressants Many patients suffering from a severe depression become terribly desperate in view of the often long-lasting attempts to find an antidepressant which


TCA Cycle pyruvate pyruvate carboxylase 1 pyruvate carboxylase 2 cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase phosphate acetyl-CoA malate dehydrogenase oxaloacetic acid citrate synthase 3 citrate synthase 1 citrate synthase 2 Gene Database Coenzyme A Sc-Std_20070817.gdb Expression Dataset Name: all Color Sets: fumar


replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) once we reach the 2015 deadline. This is still an open field; for those wishing to set the parameters of the discussions and ultimately influence the outcome, the time is now. Health objectives are central to the Rachel Kiddell-Monroe MDGs, but the discussions on the future of MDGs Bryan Collinsworth mostly take place outside health forum

Microsoft word - english 1a.doc

English 1A Grundmeier The Glass Castle Write your answers (letter only) on another piece of paper. 1. Jeannette is badly burned at the age of three, because a.) her mother had gone for groceries. b.) she was playing with matches. c.) she was cooking hotdogs. 2. Jeannette and her family move a lot, because a.) they are always running from bill collectors. b.) they never like the home

Exam # ________________

Exam # ________________ Professor DeWolf DO NOT GO BEYOND THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO BEGIN. THIS EXAM WILL LAST 3 HOURS. Part I is a CLOSED BOOK EXAM. It will last 90 minutes . After 90 minutes the proctor will collect the answer to Essay Question #1, and the multiple choice answer sheet. You will then receive Part 2 of the exam. Part II is a modified OPEN BOOK exam. It will last 9

Microsoft word - horsewormers.docx

Equimax horse wormer For the treatment of adult and immature roundworm, lungworm, Bots and tapeworm. A single dose treatment Contains Ivermectin and Praziquantel. For the treatment of adult and immature roundworm, lungworm, Bots and tapeworm. Use Spring and Autumn as a single dose for tapeworm. Lasts 8-10 weeks. One syringe will treat 700kg bodyweight. Can be given to pregnant mares.


FUNDACION PRIVADA G3T INFORME MENSUAL, SEPTIEMBRE 2004. Hoy, que estamos a pocos días del fin de la segunda fase de la transición, podemos observar en el país la división entre la clase política. Los partidos del G10 (mayoritariamente Tutsi) rehusaron ocupar sus escaños en el Consejo de Ministros, el Parlamento y el Senado debido a un desacuerdo en lo concerniente al reparto


Published Ahead of Print on September 24, 2012 as 10.1200/JCO.2011.38.2960 Open-Label, Multicenter, Randomized Phase III Trial ofAdjuvant Chemoradiation Plus Interferon Alfa-2b VersusFluorouracil and Folinic Acid for Patients With ResectedPancreatic Adenocarcinoma Jan Schmidt, Ulrich Abel, Ju¨rgen Debus, Sabine Harig, Katrin Hoffmann, Thomas Herrmann, Detlef Bartsch,Justus Klein, Ulrich Mansm


Gemeindeamt Brand A-6708 Brand, Mühledörfle 40 Tel. 05559/308 Fax: 05559/30825 e-mail: Niederschrift der am Donnerstag, den 13.12.2007 stattgefundenen 26. ordentlichen Sitzung der Gemeindevertretung Brand Anwesende: Bgm. Erich Schedler, Vize-Bgm. Mag. Mario Greber, GR DI Manfred Beck, GV Franz Josef Beck, GV Josef Meyer, GV Roland Schallert, GV Raimund Meyer, GV Manfred Geiger


When Is the Statute of Limitations a Defense? I) Definition of “statute of limitations.” A statute of limitations sets forth the time within which an accrued cause of action must be asserted in court. If the plaintiff brings a cause of action after the statute of limitations has run,he/she has no legal remedy. The statute of limitations is an affirmative defense that must be pled byt

Allocution voeux 2009

VŒUX 2009 DEVELOPPEMENT DES SERVICES A L’ENFANCE & A LA JEUNESSE UNE NOUVELLE ORGANISATION Délégation de Service Public Enfance & Jeunesse La Délégation de Service Public enfance et jeunesse a été reconduite avec l’association Arize Loisirs Jeunesse sur une nouvel e convention d’une durée de 3 ans. Le budget relatif aux 2 conventions sur la période de 6

Microsoft word - info for clinicians2a rev.doc

Emeritus Professor of Medicinal Chemistry Chief Scientific Adviser to the Gulf Veterans Association GULF WAR ILLNESSES/SYNDROME INFORMATION FOR CLINICIANS Introduction In September 1997 I was asked by a small group of Gulf War Veterans, GWVs, who went on to form the Gulf Veterans Association, GVA, if I would be their Scientific Advisor. This I agreed to and subsequently I was nomin

Land law jan 13

15 January 2013 Level 6 LAND LAW Subject Code L6-9 THE CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF LEGAL EXECUTIVES UNIT 9 – LAND LAW* Time allowed: 3 hours plus 15 minutes reading time Instructions to Candidates ƒ You have FIFTEEN minutes to read through this question paper before the start of ƒ It is strongly recommended that you use the reading time to read the questio

Prograf prospecto iny

COMPOSICION Cápsulas Cada cápsula contiene: Tacrolimus.1,00 mg Excipientes: hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa; croscaramelosa sódica; lactosa; estearato de magnesio.c.s. Cada cápsula contiene:Tacrolimus.5,00 mgExcipientes: hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa; croscaramelosa sódica; lactosa; estearato de magnesio.c.s. Inyectable Cada ml contiene:Tacrolimus.5,00 mgExcipientes: aceite de castor hidrogena

International consensus on hereditary and acquired angioedema

International consensus on hereditary and acquired angioedemaDavid M. Lang, MD Werner Aberer, MD y; Jonathan A. Bernstein, MD z; Hiok Hee Chng, MD x;Anete Sevciovic Grumach, MD, PhD jj; Michihiro Hide, MD, PhD {; Marcus Maurer, MD Richard Weber, MD and Bruce Zuraw, MD yy* Allergy/Immunology, Respiratory Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohioy Department of Dermatology, Medical Universi

Msds lmt

MSDS: LITHIUM METATUNGSTATE (LMT) HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS/IDENTITY INFORMATION: CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Theoretical VOC Content (Percent of Weight): 0Appearance and Odor: High specific gravity supersaturated solution with no odor and a pale yellow color. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA: Flammable limits in air (%): Upper = n/a Lower = n/aNFPA codes: Health = 1; Flammability = 0; Reac


Mobilux EP 111 is an extra high performance grease primarily designed for lubrication of all designs of couplings. It is specificallyformulated to resist centrifugal separation of the oil from the soap thickener at extremely high rotating speeds, ensuring effectivelubrication and protection against wear even in heavily loaded misaligned gear couplings. Mobilux EP 111 is a lithiumhydroxystearate


Bericht 1.9. Brinkum HSP Info Tag von Bettina nach freundlicher Korrektur von Herrn Dr.med.Bühmann, Facharzt für Urologie-Andrologie, Pressesprecher des Berufsverbandes der Urologen e.V. , Keitum/Sylt HSP und Sexualstörungen Der Leidensdruck Ein gesundes Sexualleben Ursachen. Erektionsstörungen treten mit verstärkt das emotionale zunehmendem Alter häufiger auf. Es gibt Wo


Insulin and Its Metabolic Effects  By Ron Rosedale, M.D.  Presented at Designs for Health Institute's BoulderFest August 1999 Seminar Let's talk about a couple of case histories. These are actual patients that I've seen; let's start with patient A. This patient who we will just call patient A saw me one afternoon and said that he had literally just signed himself out of t


saison sportive 2013/2014 - n° de sociétaire : 2 124 996 D La Fédération française d’éducation physique et de gymnastique volontaire a souscrit auprès de la MAIF un contrat d’assurance Raqvam Associations & Collectivités, afin de garantir, par le biais de la licence, l’ensemble des activités organisées tant par la fédération que par les structures qui lui sont affiliées

Microsoft word - koskiniemi, list of public. 2011.doc

Koskiniemi Marjaleena Publications Pietiläinen-Nicklén Jenna, Oskari Virtanen, Pekka Kolehmainen, Maija Lappalainen, Lass Uotila, Oili Salonen, Markus Färkkilä, Marjaleena Koskiniemi ADEM and virus infection. J Clin Virol. In Press Jussi O. Virtanen, Jenna Pietilainen-Nicklen, Lasse Uotila, Markus Farkkila, Antti Vaheri, Marjaleena Koskiniemi. Intrathecal human herpesvirus 6 antibodi


Dr. Friedman’s Guide to Estrogen Replacement There are risks and benefits with all medicines and estrogen replacement is noexception. In fact, estrogen replacement is one of the most controversial topics inEndocrinology. This is due to conflicting data on its benefits and side effects, themultitude of available hormone replacement products and regimens and the fact that moststudies on est


Race 1 (17:00) 2000M(a10F) (Dirt) DUBAI KAHAYLA CLASSIC SPONSORED BY EMAAR Purebred Arabian Group 1 AED Ref Time Jockey DR Wgt C FP Comments In Running 1 AL SAOUDI (FR) Doug Watson Richard Hills Nuits St Georges (FR) / Fatzica (FR) by Fatzour (FR)Trckd ldrs, 3rd & rdn str, stdy prog fnl 400m, led fnl 100m, drvn out 2 DAHESS (GB) Alban de Mieulle Olivier Pesli


5. Using Multiple Vocabularies Catalogers of art information require multiple vocabularies because no single vocabulary provides the full set of terminology needed to catalog or index a given set of cultural heritage data; therefore, a combination of vocabularies is necessary for indexing. Furthermore, separate vocabu- laries may be required for retrieval; ideally, retrieval vocabularies are


S t r a n d h o t e l G e o r G S h ö h e , n o r d e r n e yWellness auf der Höhe der Zeit können Urlauber im Situated on the popular German North Sea island of Strandhotel Georgshöhe auf der beliebten deutschen Norderney, the Strandhotel Georgshöhe offers holi-Nordseeinsel Norderney erleben. Das Vier-Sterne-daymakers a state-of-the-art spa experience. Superior-Hotel lie


GILL, LADNER & PRIEST, PLLC 403 South State Street Jackson, MS 39201-5020 FOSAMAX QUESTIONNAIRE Referred by:_____________________________ COMPLETED BY:______________________________________________________________ Home_____________________ Work____________________ Cell_________________ IF YOU ARE MARRIED, NAME OF SPOUSE : PRIOR NAMES YOU HAVE USED: IF YOU HAVE CHILDREN:

Calendar notice (to be published 9 march 2012)

Disciplinary Committee Inquiries The Disciplinary Committee of the GBGB were in attendance at a meeting held on 21 February 2012:- Mr K Salmon (in the chair) Dr E Houghton Mr R Woodworth Dr AJ Higgins* (*denotes where Dr Higgins was present in an advisory capacity as Independent Doping & Medication Adviser) 1. *Yarmouth Stadium – LOADED DICE – Professional Trainer Mrs J


Chapter 11 Short Answer 1. List three variations in buffering. 2. Provide an application example in which a buffer zone is used as an inclusion zone. 3. Provide an application example in which a buffer zone is used as an exclusion zone. 4. The concept behind buffering is similar to proximity in spatial data query. Provide an example in which you must use buffering instead of spatial data

Book review

B O O K R E V I E W S some chapters they show extensive shadowing, are too dark,schedules of controlled substances. Other features of theor are out of focus. This is especially true of the photomi-package include references for controversial or less-well-crographs in the chapters on the liver and the placenta. known topics and configuration options that make it pos-In general, the referen


CAPITOLO 15 IL DOLORE POSTOPERATORIO NELLA CHIRURGIA DELLE NEOPLASIE DEL COLON E DEL RETTO Roberto Occhioni, Gianni Colini Baldeschi 1. Introduzione Il dolore postoperatorio è un dolore acuto, prevedibile e transitorio conseguenza dell’atto chirurgico e della patologia in causa. Esso è il chiaro risultato dell’interazione di numerosissimi meccanismi biochimici, fisiolog

Microsoft word - pgala_t sequence

pGala-T Vector Positions of various elements: Vector size (bp) 2727 T7 RNA polymerase promoter 396-418 Multiple cloning site 420-496 Cloning Site 459 LacZ α-peptide 146-510 Ampicillin resistance gene 1667-2521 pUC origin 908-1496 primer binding sites: BcaBEST Sequencing Primer M13-47 binding site 352-375 BcaBEST Sequencing Primer RV-M binding site 484-542 TCGCGCGTTT CGGTGATGAC GGTGAAAACC TCTG

Lecture 12 - 188 200 discrete mathematics and linear algebra

Bayesian spam filtering for multiple keywordsDefinition: If A and B are events in a samplespace S , then A and B are independent iffWhat we are saying is the outcome of A doesn’tdepend in any way on the outcome of B, andconversely. Example 1: Suppose a coin is tossed twice. The first toss could turn H or T , and wouldnot depend on the outcome of the second toss. The second toss could also t


A Selective HIV-Protease Assay Based on a Chromogenic Amino Acidby Fabrizio Badalassia)b), Hong Khan Nguyenc), Paolo Crottib), and Jean-Louis Reymond*a)a) Departement für Chemie und Biochemie, Universität Bern, Freiestrasse 3, CH-3012 Bern (fax:‡41316318057; e-mail: jean-louis.reymond@ioc.unibe.ch)b) Dipartimento di Chimica Bioorganica e Biofarmacia, UniversitaÁ di Pisa, I-56126 Pisac) Pr


ADDITION OF BEVACIZUMAB TO CAPECITABINE IMPROVES PROGRESSION-FREE SURVIVAL IN ELDERLY PATIENTS Key Points: • The addition of bevacizumab to capecitabine significantly prolonged progression-free survival in elderly patients with previously untreated metastatic colorectal cancer who were not considered candidates for oxaliplatin- or irinotecan-based chemotherapy. • No d


What You Should Know About Soft Drinks Got a two-can-a-day habit? You're not alone. Carbonated soft drinks account for more than 28 percent of beverage consumption in the United States, according to the National Beverage Association. And this has more than doubled over the past 20 years. Certainly, nobody should mistake soda for a health drink, but is it really all that bad? Here's the latest

Tuberculin skin testing fact sheet

Tuberculin Skin Testing What is It? How is the TST Read? The Mantoux tuberculin skin test (TST) is the The skin test reaction should be read between 48standard method of determining whether a person isand 72 hours after administration. A patient whoinfected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Reliabledoes not return within 72 hours will need to beadministration and reading of the T

Microsoft word - rxmlfe age 45_up.docx

Prescription List for Final Expense Application For use with Final Expense applications on Insureds ages 45 and up 1. This list is not all inclusive and is intended as a guide only. All cases subject to review. 2. This list only identifies some uses for the medications. There may be other uses that could positively or negatively impact the final classification of the case being reviewed. We onl

Tisztelt címzett

ÁNTSZ Országos Tisztifőorvosi Hivatal Kommunikációs Főosztály 1097 Budapest, Gyáli út 2–6. 1437 Budapest, Pf. 839Központ: (1) 476-1100 Telefon: (1) 476-1310 Telefax: (1) 476-1339 Kétségek és bizonyosságok – érvek és ellenérvek az új influenza elleni védőoltásokkal kapcsolatban 2009. október 4. Miért van ekkora bizonytalanság az új influenza elleni v

Mg906199 assurant.8

MG906199 Assurant.8 10/29/04 6:21 PM Page a Rx Preferred Drug Guide Please bring this guide with you to your next doctor visit. © 2004 Medco Health Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. Medco manages your prescription drug benefit at the request of your plan sponsor. MG906199 Assurant.8 10/29/04 6:21 PM Page c THE BENEFITS OF THE RX PREFERRED DRUG GUIDE The Rx Preferred Drug Guid

Gastroenterology, pa

Gastroenterology, PA Gatorade miralax prep Colon Prep Instructions At any pharmacy over the counter, purchase 1 bottle of Miralax(238gm) and 4 Bisacodyl(Dulcolax) tablets The day before your procedure Date:___________________________________ 1. Start a clear liquid diet 24 hours before your procedure. No solid food until after your colonoscopy. 2. Drink at least


GOLD CLASS SET MENU Choice of one Starter, Main course & DessertSpring Rolls V Homemade Mushroom Pizza V Vegetarian V All prices are subjected to 10% ser STARTERS Homemade Mushroom Soup A rich & creamy blend, made from white button mushrooms Luscious & velvety in texture, made from young tender carrots Spring Rolls V Filled with crunchy cabbage, julienn

“endocrinopathic laminitis has been defined as laminitis developing from hormonal influences” (rather than in association with pro-inflammatory and intestinal conditions)

Endocrinopathic laminitis Notes from powerpoint slides – Sweden (Tidaholm), 18th May 2010 Melody de Laat BVSc (Hons) Australian Equine Laminitis Research Unit The University of Queensland Gatton, Qld, Australia m.delaat@uq.edu.au “Endocrinopathic laminitis has been defined as laminitis developing from hormonal influences” (rather than in association with pro-inflammatory and inte

Pneumonia admission orders (all forms)

Generic equivalents are utilized unless checked. CORE MEASURE REQUIREMENTS Physician Name(s) Admit to Dr.______________________________ Code Status Code Status:________________________________________________________ Location _________________________________________________________________ Diagnosis Condition Nursing Interventions Vital Signs Activity Pulse oximetry

No job name

Biochemistry 1999, 38, 3067-3072 Stabilization of Tubulin by Deuterium Oxide†Gopal Chakrabarti,‡ Shane Kim,‡ Mohan L. Gupta, Jr.,‡ Janice S. Barton,§ and Richard H. Himes*,‡ Department of Molecular Biosciences, Uni V ersity of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045, and Department of Chemistry, Washburn Uni V ersity, Topeka, Kansas 66621 Recei V ed October 15, 1998; Re V ised Manus


Retail Prescription Program Drug List Low-cost prescriptions make a difference 90-Day Prescriptions At Walmart, we don’t think you should have to choose between Taking a regular prescription? Ask your doctor if you can refil it groceries and the medicines you need. Our $4 prescriptions save 3 months at a time. At only $10, our 90-Day prescriptions save you American families hundreds o


CODE 107211 KEEP OUT OF DIRECTIONS: As a dietary supplement, take three tablets daily one hour before exercise. REACH OF CHILDREN. Store in a cool, dry place. Supplement Facts Amount Per Serving % Daily Value CapsimaxTM is a Vitamin B-6 (as Pyridoxine Hydrochloride) trademark of OmniActive Pantothenic Acid (as Calcium d-Pantothenate) Health Technologies.

Microsoft word - brief resume - james popo gore _general_

PO Box 1368, BOROKO, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea JAMES POPO GORE P - +675 340 0519 M - +675 7177 1670 F - +675 320 0918 Skype – james.gore4 E – james.gore@gaba.com.pg or james.gore143@gmail.com Professional Profile Career Objective Establish a successful locally owned chartered accounting firm which bridges the gap between the “Big 4” international accountin


Federal Ministry of Health and Women - Division IV/B/12 Radetzkystraße 2 A - 1030 Wien November 2003 NOTIFICATION of work with GMO large scale (tick where applicable) Classification of the intended work (tick where applicable) Biosafety level 1 Biosafety level 2 Classification of GMO (tick where applicable) bacteria other eucaryotic cells ag

Clinical guideline scope template

NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH AND CLINICAL EXCELLENCE 1 Guideline Familial hypercholesterolaemia: the identification and management of patients 1.1 Short title 2 Background The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (‘NICE’ or ‘the Institute’) has commissioned the National Collaborating Centre for Primary Care to develop a clinical guideline on fam


Zucht, Gesundheit, Ernährung Tumorimpfung – ein viel versprechendes Verfahren in der Krebstherapie Krebserkrankungen bei Hunden nehmen leider Wichtig ist: Bereits bei einer Operation sollte ein zu – oder werden auf Grund immer besserer Teil des Tumorgewebes in Formalin ins Labor Diagnosemöglichkeiten früher und häufiger er-eingeschickt werden, damit man abklären kann,


Urbaniak (7-10 lat) oraz Z. Woj- wa¿nego dowodu legalizacji i certy- zostan¹ zg³oszone do konkursutargowiska miejskiego i wybranych nej gostyñskiego ratusza spotka³o Gminnego Oœrodka Kultury w Pia-punktów sprzeda¿y na terenie gmi- siê 11 so³tysów, których wsie zade- skach mia³ miejsce wernisa¿ wy-Zespó³ wokalny „Humoreska” ny Gostyñ, 12 kwietnia br. stra¿- klarowa³y wczeœn

Exzerpt im rahmen der konsultation 11/i

Exzerpt im Rahmen der Konsultation 11/I Gruppenmitglieder: Josefine Beiersdorf, Jonas Weiß, Sebastian Mohr Seminarfacharbeitsthema: Schweinegrippe – Hysterie oder echte Gefahr? (Gruppe 15) Präventivmedizin Methoden zur Vorbeugung einer Infektion mit Influenza A (H1N1 2009) sind derzeitig allgemeine Hygienemaßnahmen sowie eine aktive Immunisierung. Als Basis weitergehender B


24 hr Advance Forecast: High 80 Low 72. 02/15-02/21 (Week) Races Wire 1Call 2Call Rail 1-3 4-7 8+02/15-02/21 (Week) Races Wire 1Call 2Call Rail 1-3 4-7 8+02/15-02/21 (Week) Races Wire 1Call 2Call Rail 1-3 4-7 8+Dirt 1m. 4&up, F & M. Clm $30,000. (12:45)/11:45/10:45/ 9:45Dirt 7f. 3yo, F. Mdn $42,000. ( 3:05)/ 2:05/ 1:05/12:05Dirt 1ˆm. 3yo. Grd2 $400,000. ( 5:35)/ 4:35/ 3:35/ 2:35$

Microsoft word - residual.doc



JOURNAL OF WOMEN’S HEALTH Volume 15, Number 10, 2006 © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Treatment Considerations in Women with Schizophrenia ABSTRACT Schizophrenia is a challenging and complex psychiatric disorder. It is a chronic disorder of thought, affect, and cognition that significantly disturbs the individual’s ability to function in society and develop interpersonal relationships. The cli


Überall im Internet und auch im Supermarkt nebenan, in der Apotheke oder im Reformhaus können Sie Ginseng-Produkte kaufen. Aber Ginseng ist nicht gleich Ginseng . Deshalb habe ich Ihnen einige Tips zusammengestellt, damit Sie für Ihr Geld ein gutes Produkt erhalten. Wenn sie weitere Fragen haben, rufen Sie mich bitte an: 05521-8490204 . Unter dieser Telefonnummer stehe ich Ihnen persönlic

Logistics r2durban_final

Grassroots Global Justice Alliance Delegation Logistics for Durban FINAL What to bring: Passport—be sure you have 2 empty visa pages Comfortable walking shoes preferably enclosed shoesOrganizational t-shirt for you and for gifts (for contacts you make with another organizations)Sufficient supply of medication you takeMaterials – buttons, flyers, propaganda Organizational bannerA


Since beginning her research into DNA markers for HOD and other Weimaraner inherited diseases, Dr. Noa Saffra has responded to numerous questions from Weimaraner Breeders. Noa would like to share with the membership the most often asked questions and her replies. Frequently Asked Questions About HOD By Noa Saffra DVM, PhD is a systemic disease that affects young include: depre

E100 curcumin, turmeric [colouring]

E260 Acetic acid [Preservative] [Acidity regulator]E101 Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), formerly called lactoflavin (Vitamin G) [Colouring] E261 Potassium acetate [Preservative] [Acidity regulator]E101a Riboflavin-5'-Phosphate [Colouring] E262 Sodium acetates (i) Sodium acetate (ii) Sodium hydrogen acetate (sodium diacetate) E102 Tartrazine, FD&C Yellow 5 [Colouring] E263 Calcium acetate [Prese

Tel vasteplantentop-5: de prijs en de discussie 11/2013

Max Griebling: Bij elke wedstrijd horen winnaars en zodat er veel op een Deense kar passen. ’Blad en jaarrond aanblik belang- zijn dat er zelfs twee! Op de eerste plaats rijker dan bloei’ natuurlijk alle eer voor Persicaria amplexi- caulis ’Speciosa’. Met zijn mooie blad, betrouwbaarheid, eindeloze bloei en zijn diger plantmateriaal zoals Heuchera die slakkenvr

Microsoft word - bibliografia modena.doc

Monografia GSS 2008 – Rachide & Riabilitazione Multidisciplinare – Quarto Evidence Based Meeting 1 Borenstein DG. Epidemiology, etiology, diagnostic evaluation, and treatment of low bach pain. Curr Opin Rheumatol., 1997; 9: 144-150 Anderson GBJ. Epidemiological features of chronic low-back pain. The Lancet, 1999; 354:581-585 ) Cecchi F, Debolini P, Lova RM, Macchi C, Bandinelli S,


Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQ) Wofür steht "XSTM"? "XSTM" leitet sich von dem englischen Wort "Excess" ab und symbolisiert die Fähigkeit, über sich selbst hinauszuwachsen und die eigenen Grenzen zu überschreiten. Wird die energiesteigernde Wirkung reduziert, wenn das Produkt täglich konsumiert wird? Nein. Wie viel Koffein ist in den XSTM Power Drinks


Medical FSA and HSA Expense Eligibility List The following is a summary of common expenses claimed against Medical Flexible Spending Account (FSAs) and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Due to frequent updates to the regulations governing FSAs and HSAs, this list does not guarantee reimbursement, but instead is to be utilized as a guide for the submission of claims. A definition of eligibili

Activeherb guide chinese medicines for cough

廣慈堂系列超濃縮中成藥 ActiveHerb 's Guide: Chinese Herbal Medicine for Weight Loss If you are concerned with your weight, you are not alone. Two thirds of US adults are reported to be overweight and one third are clinically obese. Weight control is a complex matter involving not only biology but also life style. Researchers have made tremendous progress over the years on wh

Microsoft word - was verursacht den tinnitus

Was verursacht den Tinnitus ? Als erstes die guten Nachrichten - wir wissen was den Tinnitus verursacht. Und jetzt die schlechten Nachrichten - konventionelle medizinische Wissenschaft kann ihn nicht heilen. Zumindest nicht auf die Dauer. Sicherlich wird Ihr Arzt ein paar Heilmittel vorschlagen, und es könnte Ihnen so vorkommen, als ob die von Ihnen gehörten Geräusche weniger werden. Darauf


Press release Hydro-Québec launches experimental project on plug-in vehicles and the power grid (V2G-V2H) GRIDbot Canada selected to build an advanced bidirectional charging station Montréal, July 26th, 2012 – Hydro-Québec’s research institute (IREQ) is proud to award GRIDbot Canada—whose products are manufactured in Shawinigan, Québec—the contract for the developm


4 Sexual Health Foreword I think that if this Reference Manual was written over 20 years ago,there might not have been a section on Sexual Health, or it wouldhave looked quite different from this section. In this section we triedto canvass the issues surrounding both males and females anddiscuss options that may aid an individual with erectile dysfunction. This section also discusses fertili

Microsoft word - tdm_gelz_vs_gelp3n_vs_bd_otw15_marketing_rev01_folder.doc

Comparison of VACUETTE® Serum Gel tubes with Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) in Serum Background: Greiner-Bio-One, Austria has sold plastic evacuated tubes (VACUETTE®) for venous blood collection VACUETTE® Gel Tubes incorporate an inert gel material into the blood collection tube. These gels have a controlled viscosity and a specific gravity intermediate to serum and clot. During ce

Body of knowledge the way back - la times magazine

latim es.com L A ST ORIES L A L IV ING L A C UL T URE L A V IDEOS INSIDE L .A . Current Issue Past Issues Topics P O P ULAR Social Studies 50 Subscribe Tw itter Facebook RSS O C TO B E R 2 0 1 0 The Way BackAGING GRACEFULLY is both an art and a science by ALISON SINGH GEE / illustration by DAN WINTERSI’ll alway s think of it as the m om ent when ev ery

Microsoft word - february 13 2009.doc

Sue Ella Deadwyler 4168 Rue Antoinette Stone Mountain, Georgia 30083 insight “She hath done what she could.” Questions: Who’s responsible for a child’s health – the school or parents? If H.B. 229 passes, what happens to students who are judged “fat?” Will teachers or social workers enter homes and condemn the family diet? Will students be graded on their eating hab


GOJO Industries, Inc. One GOJO Plaza, Suite 500P.O. Box 991Akron, OH 44309-0991Tel: 1-330-255-6000Toll-free: 1-800-321-9647Fax: 1-800-FAX-GOJOwww.GOJO.com Good Hand Hygiene: One of the Best Defenses Against MRSA Major world health organizations, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Public Health Agency of Canada recommend practicing good hand hygiene, which

The case against the use of sewage effluent for wet-cooling the greenfield incinerator

The Case Against the Use of Sewage Effluent for Wet-Cooling the Greenfield Incinerator Introduction: An essential component of the planned Pioneer Renewable Energy (PRE) incinerator proposed to be located adjacent to the Greenfield Industrial Park is the use of partially treated sewage liquid for wet-cooling during the generation of electricity by steam turbines. Operators of th


Resultatlista, enskild rond - netto:Kungsbacka GK Rond: 1 Spelform: Foursome, Slagtävling Datum: 2011-06-12 STENDAHLS Magnus Ottosson Tjörns GK Fredrik Adlemo Tjörns GK ASTRAZENECA 1 Johan Remmelgas Torslanda GK Johan Hjärtstam Partille GK TRAKTÖREN 3 jöran1 Bellman Delsjö GK Ingvar1 Petersson Öijared GK EWALS CARGO AB

Microsoft word - malaria.doc

Malaria is an infectious disease that is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions. It infects between 300 and 500 million people every year and causes between one and three million deaths annually, mostly among young children in Sub-Saharan Africa. Malaria is not just a disease commonly associated with poverty, but is also a cause of poverty and a major hindrance to economic development. Ma


MEDIA RELEASE Kavita Gadkari joins Grey Mumbai as Vice President, Planning Singapore, 10 December 2010 – In a year that has seen a constant stream of great talent joining Grey Group, Kavita Gadkari’s appointment as Vice President, Planning will further strengthen the robust planning function at the Mumbai office. Kavita joins Grey from Stellar Search in Dubai where she singl


Varje folks och varje nations öde bestäms av de värderingar som ligger bakom deras beslut. Alla som studerat den mänskliga naturen närmare, kommer nog att hålla med om att det mänskliga medvetandet nu expanderar. En inskränkt och fördomsfull mentalitet håller på att öppnas mot en mer omfattande och tolerant medvetenhet. Detta bredare tankemönster avslöjar nya och konstruktiva

Broadcast application.cdr

BROADCAST SPREADER APPLICATION CHART Control Lever USING YOUR SPREADER: Settings are made by pressing down on the Calibration Indicator button and setting to the desired number on the Control Cable Calibration Indicator TO OPEN SLIDE PLATE: Push the Control Lever forward until it stops against the button. TO CLOSE SLIDE PLATE: Pull the Control Lever fully back toward MAI


Germania Seed Company | Chicago, Illinois | ph: 800.380.4721 | fax: 800.410.4721Program # 775Effective Date: January 6, 2014-April 28, 2014F.O.B: Rogers, MN Malmborg’s - PRECOOLED REGAL GERANIUMS •26 strip Preforma tray sold as 25 for all vegetative annual liners; great for smaller •50 tray Ellepot for grasses, dracaena, and unpinched regal geraniums•32 tray Ellepot for pinched rega


vaterland 25/06/2013 Verkleinert auf 53% (Anpassung auf Papiergröße) LIECHTENSTEINER VATERLAND | DIENSTAG, 25. JUNI 2013 8 Sitzungen des E RWA C H S E N E N B I L D U N G Gastwirteprüfung bestanden Staatsgerichtshofes Mit 50 gehts erst richtig los − Wege aus dem Karriere-Blues Vaduz . –Anfang Juni wurde die liech- Vaduz. – Am 1. und 2. Juli wird d

Determination of microorganisms in coolants by the use of dip-slides

Schülke & Mayr Determination of microorganisms in coolants by the use of dip-slides 1.1 Introduction A long standing time of coolants can only be achieved in practice if care measures, such as e.g. the addition of biocides, are carried out in good time. The problem with this is finding the right time for the addition. This can be done a) by means of regularly checking the level of t

Over the counter medication sheet

OBSTETRICAL OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATION SHEET Avoidance of all medications that are not essential for health is a good principle to adhere to during pregnancy, especially the first 3-4 months. Nevertheless, certain common complaints or illnesses are unavoidable and justify the use of over the counter medications. Below are listed the medications which we feel are least likely to be harmful.


2. I REGIMI DI DEPOSITO NELL’UE L’enorme sviluppo degli scambi internazionali e la diffusione su scala sem-pre più ampia dei processi di delocalizzazione produttiva, hanno fatto sorge-re per le imprese la necessità sempre più pressante di disporre di idonee in-frastrutture atte a consentire la movimentazione, il deposito, l’eventuale manipolazione od il perfezionamento delle merci s

Microsoft word - nu_actives_ut.doc

2004 Health Care Changes Nonunion Active Employees in Utah These changes are effective January 1, 2004. This list shows only what’s changing. For more details about your 2004 medical and dental plan benefits, logon to the “Your Benefits Resources” web site and access a personalized plan comparison. Your enrollment packet has a printed list of key 2004 medical changes, including new d

Reglamento para el control de la discrecionalidad en los a…

REGLAMENTO PARA EL CONTROL DE LA DISCRECIONALIDAD EN LOS ACTOS DE LA ADMINISTRACIÓN PÚBLICA (Decreto No. 3179) Gustavo Noboa Bejarano PRESIDENTE CONSTITUCIONAL DE LA REPÚBLICA Considerando: Que el Ecuador es un Estado social de derecho cuyas instituciones, organismos y dependencias tienen la obligación de someterse en sus actuaciones al principio de legalidad que consagra el artículo 119 de l

Ghs test catalog 364 no price.xls

GHS LABORATORY OUTREACH TEST CODES AND SPECIMEN REQUIREMENTSneonatal is in test description 17HP Separate serum after clotting and custody collection procedure. Refrigerated. LAVENDER. Centrifuge and separate plasma specimens from cells. Transfer 1.5 mLs to a plastic, transport tube. Label Sample with "Plasma" sticker. Do not thaw. Frozen. GHS LABORATORY OUTREACH TEST CODES AND SPECIM


From Scottish bagpipes to lively Celtic folk to at our local schools with his singer songwriter folk songs Japanese Shakuhachi fl ute, the entertainment at this years’ Art in the Redwoods goes global. To kick it all off , long time coastal resident and radio producer/host DJ On Sunday be sure to check out Gualala Arts’ very Sister Yasmin will open both days’ musical extravaganza own


Dépendances aux substances et comorbidités psychiatriques : Tendances actuelles Yasser Khazaal, Daniele Zullino sont encore limitées par leur nombre et traitements psychiatriques peuvent être généralement et raisonnablement Psychiatrische Leiden sind stark mit Ab- hängigkeiten von Substanzen verbun- l’attente d’un impact favorable. Des den. Diese Komorbidität ist mit


Over-the-Counter Medications in Pregnancy RONALD A. BLACK, M.D., and D. ASHLEY HILL, M.D. Florida Hospital Family Practice Residency, Orlando, Florida Pregnant women commonly use over-the-counter medications. Although most over- the-counter drugs have an excellent safety profile, some have unproven safety or are known to adversely affect the fetus. The safety profile of some medications ma

Microsoft word - internet.doc

SV-BUNDESSIEGERZUCHTSCHAU 02.09.2005-04.09.2005 ULM Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V. Gebrauchshundklasse Rüden Note Platz Kat.-Nr. Name des Hundes Eigentümer Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V. Note Platz Kat.-Nr. Name des Hundes Eigentümer Francisco J. A. Campos Mondragon Leon, Guanajuato 97 1152 Meico vom Wittelsbacher Schloß Verein für Deu

Acne pil revision 2007 edited by dmitchell

PATIENT INFORMATION LEAFLET ACNE This leaflet has been written to help you understand more about acne-what it is, what causes it, what can be done about it and where you can find out more about it. What is acne? Acne is a very common skin condition characterised by comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) and pus-filled spots (pustules). It usually starts at puberty and varies

Microsoft word - mar 4

5 Hanover Square T O M P K I N S & D A V I D S O N , L L P Phone: (212) 944-6611 15th Floor Fax: (212) 944-9779 Counselors At Law New York, N.Y. 10004 e-mail: internet: The Month So Far: March 19 through 25, 2011 → ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE RULES Importation of Horses from Contagious Equine Metritis-Affected Countries


Diurnal Variation of Cerebrospinal Fluid Hypocretin-1(Orexin-A) Levels in Control and Depressed SubjectsRonald M. Salomon, Beth Ripley, John S. Kennedy, Benjamin Johnson,Dennis Schmidt, Jamie M. Zeitzer, Seiji Nishino, and Emmanuel Mignot Background: Hypocretins, excitatory neuropeptides at Introduction monoaminergic synapses, appear to regulate humansleep-wake cycles. Undetectable cereb

Ipr - rac columbia ipr op (3-13)

U.S. Department of Homeland Security HSI, local partners seize nearly $4 million in counterfeit pharmaceuticals, goods COLUMBIA, S.C.—Special agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), working jointly with the South Carolina Secretary of State’s Office, Blazer Investigations and Pfizer, seized approximately $4 million in count

Microsoft word - 091111 q+a alt akt .doc

Fragen und Antworten zu Neuer Grippe (sog. Schweinegrippe) Inhalt Neue Grippe Vorbeugung Maßnahmen in Deutschland Neue Grippe Pandemie Was ist eine Pandemie? Von Pandemie spricht man, wenn sich eine ansteckende Krankheit weltweit ausbreitet. Pandemien können nur entstehen, wenn sich Erreger wie Viren oder Bakterien verbreiten, die gut von Mensch zu Mensch übert


Curriculum Vitae di GUIDO BROICH Curriculum Analitico Esteso Dati Personali Curriculum Vitae analitico di GUIDO BROICH - Pagina 1 di 26 Istruzione Diploma di Maturità della Scuola Germanica di MilanoStudente Interno, Istituto di Anatomia Umana Normale, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Direttore Prof. RuggeriStudente Interno, Divisione di Oncologia (Primario Prof. Robustelli del


Differential Permethrin Susceptibility of Head Lice Sampled in the United States and Borneo Richard J. Pollack, PhD; Anthony Kiszewski, DSc; Philip Armstrong, DSc; Christine Hahn, MD; Nathan Wolfe, DSc;Hasan Abdul Rahman, MD; Kayla Laserson, DSc; Sam R. Telford III, DSc; Andrew Spielman, ScD Background: Pediculiasis is treated aggressively in the of the Sabahan children were so exposed. U


TouchProbe ® The Next Generation in Data Collection TouchProbe offers a completely new and powerful way of collecting and managing your data. With a simple contact, you can now access informationfrom touch “buttons.” These “buttons” are memorychips housed in small, water-resistant, stainless steelcases. The buttons work like electronic labels thatthe TouchProbe uses for the


WADA Prohibited List 2010 – Preliminary Information. On October 1 WADA released the Prohibited List which will apply across all sports from January 1 2010. There are significant changes to the List - some of them are technical but two in particular will have significant effects on athletes and doctors. Drug Free Sport NZ will provide more information and updated resources later in th

Understanding ms related spasticity

Understanding MS related spasticity FAST FACTS • Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an incurable condition that affects approximately 100,000 people in the UK and is usually diagnosed between the ages of 20 • Damage occurs within the central nervous system (CNS - brain and spinal • Spasticity is a common symptom associated with MS,3 affecting most people • In a survey, 84% of people


Mexikanische Tageszeitung "La Jornada" zum Thema Gesundheit Mexikanische Gedanken zur Schweinegrippe - Auf der Erde sterben jedes Jahr 2 Millionen Menschen an Malaria, die ganz einfach durch ein Moskitonetz geschützt werden könnten. Und den Nachrichten ist es keine Zeile wert. Auf der Erde sterben jedes Jahr 2 Millionen Mädchen und Jungen an Durchfall-erkrankungen, die mit

Layout 1 (page 1)

Satisfaction guarantee This program is designed save you money on prescrip- How can I keep my prescription drug costs down? tion drug costs! We will help you find low-cost medica- The use of generic prescription drugs, whenever tions within the same therapeutic class as a drug youavailable, is most cost effective. Don’t be shy – discussyour prescription options with your docto

Care of the patient with primary angle closure glaucoma (clinical practice guideline 5)

OPTOMETRIC CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE OPTOMETRY: THE PRIMARY EYE CARE PROFESSION Doctors of optometry are independent primary health care providers who examine, diagnose, treat, and manage diseases and disorders of the visual system, the eye, and associated structures as well as diagnose related systemic conditions. Optometrists provide more than two-thirds of the pr


UniversitätsSpital u Dept. Frauenheilkunde Klinik für Gynäkologie Fortbildungsseminar: Urogynäkologie aktuell Donnerstag, 27. April 2006, 15.00 – 18.00 Uhr © Copyright by FHK Krieg der Bänder: Wann TVT – wann TOT Patienten mit überaktiver Blase schätzen ihre Lebensqualität zum Teil schlechter ein als Patienten mit anderen chronischen Erkrankungen wie Bluthochdru


International Committee of Medical JournalThe vancouver.bst bibliographic style file (for LATEX/BibTEX) is generatedwith the docstrip utility and modified manually to meet the “Uniform Require-ments for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” as published in NEngl J Med 1997;336:309-315. (also known as the Vancouver style). This speci-fication may be found on the web page of the Intern

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LiPo-SAFE Sicherheitstasche weiß 22 cm x 30 cm Bitte lesen, bevor Sie Ihre neue LiPo-SAFE Sicherheitstasche benützen! Wichtige Anleitung zum sicheren Gebrauch Wir danken Ihnen für den Kauf Ihrer LiPo-SAFE Sicherheitstasche. Bitte lesen Sie diese Anleitung, bevor Sie Ihre neue LiPo-SAFE Sicherheitstasche benützen. Die Verwendung einer LiPo-SAFE Sicherheitstasche ist noch keine Gar

Microsoft word - gssi statement for runners world-neth 7.28.05.doc

What is the true effect of drinking sports drinks and water on GI Complaints during running? Senior Scientist for Latin America and Europe While controlled field studies like “The Effect of Two Sports Drinks and Water on GI Complaints and Performance During an 18-km Run” are important to supplement the laboratory findings of a variety of sports nutrition topics, this study by van

Microsoft word - polycystic ovary syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is common. It can cause period problems, reduced fertility, excess hair growth, and acne. Many women with PCOS are also overweight. Treatment includes weight loss (if you are overweight), and lifestyle changes in addition to treating the individual symptoms. The ovaries are a pair of glands that lie on either side of the uterus (womb). Each ovary is about the si

Microsoft word - internal audit charter.doc

INTERNAL AUDIT CHARTER INTRODUCTION Management and the Audit Committee believe that a professional, independent Internal Audit Services Department is essential to the most economical, effective and efficient operation of the Company. The purpose of this charter is to establish the Internal Auditing function within the organization, authorize its access to records, personnel, and phys

Microsoft word - medikam. therapie im zusammenhang mit arter. reko.doc

Leitlinien der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gefäßchirurgie (vaskuläre und endovaskuläre Chirurgie) (DGG) Medikamentöse Therapie nach gefäßchirurgischen Operationen und endovaskulären Interventionen Die hier vorliegende Leitlinie basiert auf vorhandenen Leitlinien (1-3) sowie einer systematischen Literaturrecherche (Medline) durch die drei Autoren sowie einem nachfol

Microsoft word - gsusa_girl_health_form[1]

Girl Scouts of [Council Name] Health History and Medical Examination Form for Minors Health History: The more complete information you provide, the better we are able to work with your child to ensure she receives the care she needs. Medical Examination: A medical examination is completed for trips lasting more than three nights. The examination is completed by a licensed physici


Marginal voices in the media coverage of controversial health interventions: how do they contribute to the public understanding of science? M. Hivon, P. Lehoux, J.-L. Denis and M. Rock 2010 19: 34 originally published online 21 January 2009The online version of this article can be found at: can be found at: Public Understanding of Science Additional services and information for

Microsoft word - medication history

Gagandeep Singh, M.D., LLC – Medication History Form If you have ever taken any of the following medications, please indicate the dates, dosage, and how helpful they were. Your best approximation of dates and dosage is helpful, even if you are unsure. ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ _____________________

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BUSINESS TRAVELER. Scalable, 14.1-inch diagonal display, Intel processors The highly mobile HP Compaq 6530b Notebook WLAN5 and Bluetooth® technologies allow you to PC helps keep you connected and productive so conveniently stay connected in more places. your office goes with you. This newly designed HP Professional Innovations help you focus on your notebook offers the latest Intel® Core

Microsoft word - list for communication.doc

WADA 2006 PROHIBITED LIST: A summary of the major changes Other minor amendments have been made to the 2006 List. Please consult the Summary of Modifications for 2006 and the 2006 Monitoring Program available on the WADA website. Gonadotrophins ƒ LH and hCG previously prohibited in males and females in the 2005 List are now only Glucocorticosteroids* ƒ All topical* pr


Psychoneuroendocrinology (2006) 31, 1087–1097Serotonin regulation of the human stress responseSean D. Hooda,Ã, Dana A. Hincea,b, Hayley Robinsona,Melita Cirilloa, David Christmasa, Joey M. KayecaSchool of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences (M521), University of Western Australia,QEII Medical Centre, Perth, Nedlands, Western Australia 6009, AustraliabPsychopharmacology Unit, University

Is it prozac? or placebo?

Is it Prozac? Or Placebo? New research suggests that the miracles promised by antidepressants may be largely due to the placebo effect. Too bad there's no money to be made in sugar pills. Janis Schonfeld recalls the events that started her on her recovery from 30 years of depressionwith snapshot clarity: the newspaper ad she saw in 1997 seeking subjects for an antidepressantstudy; the chair

Chemwatch australian msds 22-0444

DY-MARK P10;P20;P30 PAINTMARKER PEN Chemwatch Independent Material Safety Data Sheet Issue Date: 10-Jun-2010 CHEMWATCH 22-0444 Version No:2.0 CD 2010/2 Page 1 of 6 Section 1 - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME DY-MARK P10;P20;P30 PAINTMARKER PEN PROPER SHIPPING NAME FLAMMABLE LIQUID, N.O.S.(contains n-propanol) PRODUCT USE Marker pen contains maximu

Microsoft word - carrey friend iomlgbt newsletter april 2011.docx

CARREY FRIEND IOMLGBT NEWSLETTER APRIL 2011 I know we broke our promise in 2010 to try and get out more regular newsletters. I also know that the web site is not as up to date as it should be. However last year there was not much to report. Now we have lots to report. Exciting times. Please read on, do not be put off by the size of the info sent out with this newsletter. This newsletter, a


WHY IS THE CERES / TANQUA KAROO SO IMPORTANT FOR THE GEOLOGIST Our planet is alive and its heart beat can be noticed occasionally. The surface skin (10-60 km thick) consists of floating continents and oceans. Continents occasionally break apart, forming oceans, or weld together, forming mountains and deep troughs. Most of those movements result in volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. This brief int

Microsoft word - medical form

GRANT BANDS MEDICAL RELEASE and PERMISSION FORM Student__________________________ Gender M F (circle) Grade_______ Address________________________________________ T-shirt size____ City________________________ State_____ Zip____ Date of Birth__________ EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS (Please print legibly) Contact MEDICAL INSURANCE INFORMATION (please keep updated) Insurance Co


LUMBERJACK TRIPLE ACTION WOOD TREATMENT Product Code Pack Size Product Description LUMBERJACK TRIPLE ACTION WOOD TREATMENT takes care of all your wood treatment and preservation needs in the one can. It is a low solvent; low odour solution based on Micro-fine active technology with added fungicides, algaecides and Permethrin to actively kil and protect against al known wood r


Green-top Guideline MANAGEMENT OF ACUTE PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE This is the second edition of this guideline, which was previously published in 2003 under the same title. Purpose and scope Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is usually the result of infection ascending from the endocervix causingendometritis, salpingitis, parametritis, oophoritis, tubo-ovarian abscess and/or pelvic

Teratology course learning objectives.xls

Behavioral Objectives Lecture # Lecture Title Lecturer 1. List the principles of teratology2. List and describe the four manifestations of abnormal 3. Define the critical periods of development4. Discuss the mechanisms of developmental toxicity1. Describe the absorption of chemicals across different surfaces2. Discuss the volume of distribution and parameters of tissue 3. Distinguis


Uganda Herbs, Spices and Essential and Fixed Cosmetic Oils Date: August 2003 Prepared by: Susie Wren Summary of the Findings There are good opportunities for cultivated crops suitable for the high value market sector of herbs, spices and essential and fixed cosmetic oils. Wild harvest products with commercial value also exist in this sector. It is necessary though, to first carefully

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